- The valve cover -- which protects the valvetrain from debris -- on a 1996 5.7-liter engine has a rubber gasket beneath it to prevent oil from leaking. Over time, this gasket becomes frail and needs to be replaced. When the valve cover is replaced, it is imperative to tighten the bolts to the proper torque specifications.
- There are four bolts on the valve cover of a 1996 Chevy 5.7-liter. These bolts require a final torque rating of 106 inch-pounds.
- The proper sequence when torquing bolts is nearly as important as the torque value itself. When torquing the four valve cover bolts. Torque the inner bolts first to about half of the actual value, 53 inch-pounds, then the outer two bolts. Torque the inner bolts to the final torque value, then the outer bolts. This will create an even seal.
- Torque is necessary for several equally important reasons. The first reason is that the rubber valve cover gasket requires a set amount of torque to properly seal the oil in the cylinder head. The second reason it to prevent bolt breakage inside the cylinder head.