Law & Legal & Attorney Bankruptcy & consumer credit

What Happens During Chapter 13 Confirmation Hearing?


    • No longer than 45 days after the official meeting of creditors, the court will hold a hearing in order to determine if the debtor's plan for re-paying creditors is approved by the court or must be modified. According to U.S. Courts, the purpose of the confirmation hearing is for the judge to determine if the bankruptcy plan is feasible and meets the confirmation standards set forth in the Bankruptcy Code.


    • Creditor's will receive 25 days notice of the confirmation hearing and will have a chance to object to the debtor's bankruptcy re-payment plan. Modifications to the bankruptcy plan are considered if the debtor fails to list all creditors or if the creditor objects to the plan.


    • Confirmation of the bankruptcy plan means that the plan has been accepted, and the debtor must make all of the payments as set forth in the plan. Distribution of funds is scheduled by the Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Trustee once the plan is confirmed. Debtor's who are denied confirmation may file a modified re-payment plan or convert the case to liquidation under Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.

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