- Wage-earners must give the court three to six months of pay stubs, depending on how often you are paid and the court trustee preference. You must include pay stubs for all jobs you held during that time period, even if the job was not in New York or if it was part-time or short-term work.
- If you are self-employed, you must provide business financial documents, such as cash flow reports or profit and loss statements for all businesses you own, regardless of the operation location or state of incorporation. The amount of time these documents must cover varies depending on the age and nature of the business and the preference of the trustee, but it is usually three to 12 months.
- If you are a wage-earning filer, you must provide one to two years of federal and New York state tax returns. If you are self-employed, the court may require two to five years of tax returns. Tax return documentation must include all relevant schedules, including the Earned Income and other tax credit forms and Schedule C forms for business owners.
- You must show the court statements of all your investments, including stocks, bonds, certificates of deposit, money market accounts and interest-bearing bank accounts. This also includes rent or other income you receive from residential and commercial rental properties in any state.
- If you are retired, you must give the court documentation of all retirement income. This includes pension statements and statements from Social Security retirement payments. The statements must cover three to six months of income and must include the monthly payment amount and pay dates.
- If you receive any income from social service programs, such as unemployment payments Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Supplemental Security Income, Social Security Disability Insurance or New York state social service programs, you must provide payment statements that cover the last three to six months. All statements must give the monthly payment amount and how often the payments occur.
- You must disclose all maintenance payments you receive for yourself or the dependents you listed in the bankruptcy petition. This includes alimony and child support.
Pay Stubs
Business Income
Tax Returns
Investment Income
Retirement and Pension Income
Social Service Program Income
Child Or Spousal Support