Health & Medical Nutrition

Natural Ways to Reduce Your Risk of Suffering From Cancer

Did you know that we all have cancerous cells in our body? The only difference between a cancer patient and us is that their cancer cells have grown malignant and part and parcel of that happening is because certain body functions have shut down and our body becomes unable to tackle the cancerous growth.
Studies have shown that there are many areas of our lifestyle we can control to help ourselves and help our body to perform its normal functions and prevent cancer from developing.
One study has shown that drinking up to eight glasses of water a day can halve the risk of bladder cancer.
Another study linked the amount of water women drank to their risk of colon cancer where heavy water drinkers reducing their risk by as much as 45 percent.
Add a few fresh lemon slices to your water if water is not your kind of drink.
Cover up.
When it comes to avoiding skin cancer, the best thing to do is to avoid the sun and cover up yourself whenever you can.
Avoid fierce rays between 10 am to 2 pm.
Do get some sun in the earlier morning when the rays do not burn and damage your skin and help your body to effectively produce some vitamin D.
Try a gentle 15-day detox program with herbs that cleanse and tone the digestive system.
Avoid coffee, tea, alcohol and refined foods.
Give you body and your detoxification system a break at least twice a year.
Go organic.
Foods certified organic are grown without pesticides and added hormones where both of which can cause cellular damage that may cause cancer.
More cabbage.
Cabbage, along with its cousin, Brussels sprouts, contain a wide range of antioxidants and other natural plant chemicals that offer protection against oxidative changes in the body that can lead to cancer.
Cabbage is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and immune-enhancing.
It is low in calories and tastes wonderful when steamed and served with a dash of oil and a sprinkle of fennel seeds and black pepper.
Cabbage also contains important natural ingredients called indoles, which are noted for their anticancer activity especially against breast cancer.
More garlic.
Garlic and its organic sulphur components are effective inhibitors of the cancer process.
Studies show that the benefits of garlic are not limited to a specific carcinogen.
Garlic has antioxidant, regulates cell proliferation, boosts immune responses and protects the body from free radicals.
More tomatoes.
Tomatoes - raw, cooked or in sauces - are rich in lycopenes.
These vitamin-like substances are antioxidants that help prevent damage to DNA and may help lower prostate cancer risk.
Slightly cooking the tomatoes releases the protective nutrients making them more available to the body.
More fiber.
The American Cancer Society reports that replacing high fat foods with high fiber foods will decrease the risk of developing cancer.
Good high fiber foods include wholegrains, fruits and vegetables.
More antioxidants.
Population studies have noted a consistent association between diets rich in fruits and vegetables and a lower risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Evidence is also accumulating that much of the health-promoting potential of these plants foods may come from phytochemicals, which are bioactive compounds not designated as traditional nutrients, such as flavonoids with names like anthocyanins, catechins, quercetin and kaempferol.
More folic acid.
There is enough evidence backing the role of folic acid in reducing cancer risk to persuade everyone to eat an extra vegetable a day.
The word 'folate' comes from foliage, the green leafy stuff, that we are always encouraged to eat more of.
Folic acid plays an important role in DNA and RNA reproduction and it affects DNA repair and gene expression and it is because cancer is thought to arise from DNA damage, folic acid is credited with having an important house-keeping role in the body.
At least 400 mcg of folic acid a day is recommended depending on your lifestyle.
More selenium.
Studies have shown that low selenium intake level has a higher cancer mortality rate.
Good sources of selenium include Brazil nuts, seafood, poultry, meat, grains and brown rice.
Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that participates in many important body functions including immunity.
Intake of 100 mcg per day is recommended.
More vitamin C.
Increased levels of vitamin C are associated with decreased risk of cancer of the stomach, mouth, throat, colon and lungs.
At least 100 mg of vitamin C intake per day is recommended.
More vitamin D.
Population studies show that exposure to sunlight and dietary vitamin D intakes are associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer.
Vitamin D plays a critical role in calcium absorption, immune system and may inhibit proliferation of cancerous cells in the body.
Moderate your alcohol.
Alcohol interferes with absorption and metabolism of folic acid.
One study of males concluded that more than two alcoholic drinks a day doubled the risk of colon cancer where in another study of females suggested similar findings where the risk of breast cancer observed similar patterns.
At least 650 mcg of folic acid intake daily is recommended to negate the negative effects of alcohol consumption.
If you really want to drink alcohol, choose red wine over others.
Studies have shown that red wine contains compounds that may prevent carcinogens from inducing chromosome mutations.
Drink green tea.
Green tea is very high in antioxidant compounds called polyphenols, which have marked therapeutic properties.
These compounds are not found to the same extent in black tea.
This factor is believed to account for low rates of cancer in China and Japan.
The best protection against caner is the internal state of harmony and balance that promotes ease rather than stress and disease.
Just 15 minutes a day will help restore internal peace and will also give you clearer thinking.
Quit smoking.
And stay away from smoking areas.
Cancer is painful for yourself as well as for your family members and those that care and love you.
Recognizing that there is a lot that can be done to prevent cancer is the first step toward prevention.
We must take care of ourselves because we need to and we must take care of ourselves for those who love us.
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