Niche marketing is a great way to make money online. The process is actually quite easy when you know how. If you are new to niche marketing, you may find a great deal of information that can seem overwhelming to you, but it does not have to be that way. To begin with, the most important part of niche marketing is figuring out what niche you want to be a part of. Once you dominate one, you move on to another. So let's begin with the first one. There are a couple of ways to accomplish this. No matter what method you use, you want to think of a list of preliminary keywords that you can research. Once you have a few, you can use the Yahoo Overture Keyword Suggestion Tool to help you figure out which related keywords are getting searched. Then you want to find out what kind of competition you're going to have, which is as easy as going to any of the big three search engines (Google, Yahoo, and MSN) and typing in those keywords to see the number of results. Last, you want to know whether or not people are making money in these niches by seeing what people are willing to pay for Pay-Per-Click ads. The more they're willing to pay, the more they're making. Your niche marketing efforts won't pay off if you're in a poor niche, a saturated niche, or a niche with nothing to sell in (unless you want to create your own products, which is only a good idea once you have a feel for the marketing part). If you want to know what niche marketers are willing to pay for PPC, you need to have a Google Adwords account. Create a campaign that you are not going to actually publish the ad for, but rather just use to see what you need to bid to get good placement. Then choose your keywords and look at the Google estimator. That will give you a pretty good idea of what you're looking at. There is actually a software called Niche Inspector that will do all of this work for you. It's about a hundred bucks, and it will cut your research literally by hours. Once you've got a niche that looks potentially profitable, you need to decide how you're going to make the most of it. Selling affiliate products is one of the best ways, but there are some others, as well. If your niche marketing business concentrates on affiliate products, you need to be sure you have an auto responder with follow up messages regarding the product at hand and a landing page to send your prospects to so that you can capture their email addresses and get back to them in the future. The list is where the money is, so be sure to get those names and emails. About seven to ten follow up messages should work to make the sales that are going to be made. Remember, niche marketing is just that- marketing. If you don't want to sell affiliate products, another good way to generate income is through Adsense. Build a content website or blog (I recommend blogs) and put your Adsense code on it. You are able to have two sets of Adsense ads on any given page. Do you need content? Add an RSS feed to your site and go to forums to see what people in your niche want to read about. There is a resource called Super Blogging that will show you the best way to lay out your blog to maximize the potential to get ad clicks. Of course, you can always put links to affiliate landing pages on blogs, as well, and when you go to those forums to find out what the readers want, you can send them to your blog. You can even start a newsletter and post an opt-in form on your blogs. Whatever you want to do with your niche marketing business, you can do it. It really isn't that hard to make it happen; you just have to be willing to take action. I really suggest trying out the niche inspector software to help you out if you want to cut down on your niche marketing research time. But with any method that you choose, as long as you have a good niche without too much competition but a lot of money exchanging hands, you are sure to find niche marketing success