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Top Do"s and Don"ts of Potty Training

Potty training is a big step in your child's life.
They are growing up and becoming independent little people.
It can also be a very frustrating, exhausting time for parents.
Here are a few tips to make it a better and more enjoyable process.
What not to do: · Do not rush things: if you rush your child this can cause negative results.
If you push s child that isn't ready it can cause them to regress, and they may loose whatever potty training sills the have gained.
Child can become resistant to going to potty.
Allow child to take potty training at their own pace.
· Don't over-complicate things: adjust your language to make it easier for the child to understand and use simple words to describe body parts.
Above all be consistent with these words to avoid confusion.
· Don't worry about others: all children progress at different stages during potty training and try to take others advice and use what is useful and forget the rest.
Everyone has an opinion on this issue.
· Don't punish your child: potty training is filled with accidents and a mistake it is through these mistakes the child learns how to be successful.
It can be frustrating and upsetting when children forget to use the potty but never punish them for the mistakes by offering negative reinforcement the child could become afraid of training.
This could make the process even more difficult and frustrating.
What to do when potty training: · Check for readiness: not all children are ready at the same time on average they will show interest around 18-24 months and many will not be fully trained until age 4.
Signs of readiness are interest in the toilet, regular bowel movements and can follow simple instructions.
· Plan ahead of time: be sure to discuss how to deal with accidents and setbacks.
Think of ways to motivate your child.
You may want to talk to your pediatrician.
· Coordinate with caregivers: it is important that your child receives consistent instructions when using potty tell nanny, preschool, and grandparents and so on.
· Offer praise: very important to praise child whenever possible during training.
Celebrate everything your child does.
If they wash their hands, if they tell you that they have to go to potty, and if they make potty.
Praise is positive reinforcement and will make the child want to use the potty.
· Offer motivation: children loose interest quickly use motivation to keep the child interested in the potty training.
Buy a doll so child can "potty train" the doll.
Have books on hand and stickers and stamps for all stages of learning.
Good motivators are: · For boys put fruit loops in the toilet and have them aim and try to sink them.
· Decorate the little potty with paints and stickers to make it their own.
· Put up a sticker board to track their progress (also good for you to see) · M&M for when they go!! Most of all keep a positive outlook they will get trained it just takes time to click with some kids and it could happen overnight! There are tricks and tips to shorten the training time for this information go to the site that saved my sanity www.
Have fun with your little ones they are growing so fast.
Remember this is a big step for them.
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