but what the thread that we see through most of these state related cases for most a little different is up a desire for power and continuing to keep the majority where you set the agenda and it is not has not been for the most part money in their pockets hi so that when they say and after I love 1.2 million it's it's tough to have hast ate money for campaigns services so basically Robert what this is ragouts a want to stay they want to you they've been using these resources staffers and can all kinds of time that folks have used state time the campaign so they can hold on to their power in order to you know pass laws but not primarily to enrich themselves for the most part he somehow %um I'm not just applying is not a dumb bitch answer is no I think one run for governor and you know how I had one for statewide office to summon
them so that was part of it arm used but mostly it was his it was the day were under it was you lower for Powers hot lower again using new technology I came along computers and the case for the so it's more about power per se then enriching themselves you know busing this money personally did not today use this my personally they use take hours to send people out the campaign to use the computer equipment higher all sorts of people who for the most part the dessert what's up anywhere in the Purcell case but armies absolutely right that was the trust have the Purcell case but he had little deal on a side that he was trying to get story called greens-tone lights Brian press kits for more aid where they were going to try to make money of the stuff they got a tax money but it never really developed by must now involves bribery I get now let's go up brand talked about the cyclical nature of all this is a cycle done no I the pub party promise with a Pennsylvania
has week laws on the books yeah I Ethics and Public are corruption laws they to laws have been used to prosecute the people with a cobbled together and then the week in response to the arm General Assembly has been able Xtreme Nitro to write you know chamber rules that they self police and soul if you have a winner not very good at meet the right had and how about this question has either chamber censured or in some way disciplined any of these members who have been charged in recent in the recent decade.
them so that was part of it arm used but mostly it was his it was the day were under it was you lower for Powers hot lower again using new technology I came along computers and the case for the so it's more about power per se then enriching themselves you know busing this money personally did not today use this my personally they use take hours to send people out the campaign to use the computer equipment higher all sorts of people who for the most part the dessert what's up anywhere in the Purcell case but armies absolutely right that was the trust have the Purcell case but he had little deal on a side that he was trying to get story called greens-tone lights Brian press kits for more aid where they were going to try to make money of the stuff they got a tax money but it never really developed by must now involves bribery I get now let's go up brand talked about the cyclical nature of all this is a cycle done no I the pub party promise with a Pennsylvania
has week laws on the books yeah I Ethics and Public are corruption laws they to laws have been used to prosecute the people with a cobbled together and then the week in response to the arm General Assembly has been able Xtreme Nitro to write you know chamber rules that they self police and soul if you have a winner not very good at meet the right had and how about this question has either chamber censured or in some way disciplined any of these members who have been charged in recent in the recent decade.