- Posters are always a good idea for kids' rooms. Hang posters of horses on any empty wall space. Get creative, and hang them at different angles and even on the ceiling. Frame some posters to give them a more professional look and also to help them to last longer than taping them to the wall. If you have a lot of small horse pictures, buy a large frame and make a collage.
- Since the bed is the largest piece of furniture in the room, decorate it as well. Purchase bedding to match the horse theme -- either the horse pictures or the colors that the room is decorated in. If you are talented as a seamstress, make a quilt with a horse scene on it, and add coordinating shams if desired.
- Fencing can be real or fake. Build a fence, or buy a section of fence from the hardware store that can be used in the room. A real fence should be securely attached to a wall. The fence can be used as a curtain rod of sorts on which your child can hang clothes -- on hangers, of course. The fence can also be used as a shelf to place books along, which works well for a younger child who has a tendency to pull every book off the shelf to find the one she wants. The fence rail holds the books with the cover out, so the child can easily see them. For a fake fence, paint one on the wall.
- Murals are ideal for covering large walls. Find a horse scene that your child likes, and print out the picture onto transparency paper. Project the image onto the wall, and treat it as a paint-by-number to transfer the design to the wall. You can also use this same method for smaller painted objects. The transparency method works well for those without artistic talent. Cover the completed mural with a clear sealer to protect it and help it to last a little longer. Sometimes you can find vinyl murals that you simply attach to the wall.