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Does an Apothecary Rose Have Thorns?


    • Members of the genus Rosa, including the ancestors of modern garden roses, evolved in the Northern Hemisphere. Prickly stems are a protective characteristic of many members of the genus, including roses, blackberries, raspberries, hawthorn, pyracantha and flowering quince. The thorns vary in size, shape and number, depending on the species. Rosa rugosa plants have hundreds of small bristly prickles on every stem, while the flowering quince has straight, sharp thorns that appear less frequently on the branches.


    • Rosa gallica means, literally, "the French rose." Historical information cited by English rosarian Graham Thomas in his 1994 book "The Graham Stuart Thomas Rose Book," suggests that the rose originated in the Middle East and was introduced to France by a 13th-century crusader. It was used by apothecaries in the town of Provins, giving rise to the common names rose of Provins and apothecary's rose. Late in the 13th century it arrived in England, possibly brought by Edmund, the first Earl of Lancaster. The rose became the symbol of the house of Lancaster. It was often portrayed in 15th and 16th century Renaissance art.


    • Rosa gallica officinalis is a once-blooming rose, with large flowers that bloom profusely in early summer. The intense fragrance and relative lack of thorns make it a good choice for planting near sitting areas or walkways. Its relatively short stature (about 3 feet tall and equally wide) is conducive to container or small garden culture. The petals are good for rose-related crafts, including potpourri.

    Hybrids and Sports

    • Rosa gallica versicolor "Rosa Mundi" is the most famous sport (spontaneous genetic mutation) of the apothecary's rose. It is a striped rose, mixing the red of its parents' petals with white. Gallica roses have been widely used in rose breeding. Among offspring that have the same nearly thornless stems as the apothecary's rose, are the red-purple "Cardinal Richelieu;" "Belle de Crecy," with pinkish-mauve flowers; and "Sissinghurst Castle," with maroon petals that are a lighter color around the edges.

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