Health & Medical Women's Health

Menopause Moments - Why Women Should Make the Most of Them

Why is it that women that are approaching menopause are so full of fear and dread? Is it because they truly believe bad things are about to happen, or is it because of all the horror stories they have heard from their mothers and other friends that have gone through it? No matter, there are some painful moments in menopause, but if you have the right attitude there are ways to make it the best time of your life.
Not very long ago there was a lack of knowledge which created a cultural embarrassment around menopause, a sort of misguided myth or way of discussing it which created terms such as "the curse", and "the change of life".
This totally natural cycle of life was once considered nearly in the same manner one would describe a disease.
Luckily, times have change greatly.
Now menstruation and menopause can be spoken about without a blush, and understood as a normal progression of life.
Not only that but in some cases a way to look forward to a new found freedom! Woman today are starting to realize that menopause is just a new phase of life, one in which they have less worries in some ways.
For one thing, they don't have to worry about getting pregnant! Once a woman gets through menopause, there is no reason to continue with birth control since the egg factory is shutdown for good.
And speaking of children, by the age of around 50 (the average age of menopause is 51) most women have some if not all of their children grown and ready to leave the house.
No baby-sitting any longer, which translates into more free time to pursue hobbies, careers, healthier lifestyles, education, and any number of things that just didn't seem possible a few years ago.
Yes, times have certainly changed in our society.
In some cultures, older people in general are thought to have a certain wisdom and knowledge that is very powerful and something to be admired.
But for too long, this country has thought of youth as the center of attention and something to be admired.
Perhaps this is changing, since both men and women are living much longer in this country and people are staying healthy longer too.
Women need to realize that menopause isn't a downhill slope that signals the end, but a wonderful new phase of life that can be a true blessing and something to be shared.
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