Some Shocking Facts About Toner Cartridges: While speaking about the impact of the waste materials and substances on nature, most of the environmental scientists and ecological experts are of the view that one of the biggest reasons in creating global warming is throwing waste toner cartridges in landfills and garbage. Current data reveals that over 30 million empty toner cartridges are thrown in landfills every year in UK alone, whereas an estimated 375,000,000 empty toner cartridges are chucked every year worldwide.
That means 375 million waste toner cartridges could have been collected and remanufactured by the recycle toner cartridges companies and re-used again. According to recent studies conducted by the analysts, 15 % of the 60 million toner cartridges sold in UK are remanufactured that means rest are thrown in landfills and debris. These waste toner cartridges are extremely harmful to our environment for the reason that plastic used in cartridges is composed of engineering grade polymers, which usually takes 1000 years to decompose.
What Exactly Do You Need Now?: Recycling toner cartridges can be expensive for you, whereas recycled printer cartridges can cost you as minimum as 50% of what virgin original toner cartridges do. By mitigating the amount of the printer cartridges transpired in landfills, you are being more proactive and kinder to the environment. Greentech are determined in their mission statement and objective how to protect the environment by recycling toner cartridge .
Basically they collect your empty printer cartridges and recycle them in their warehouse along with QA testing. The recycled cartridges can be used again for your business purpose. In addition, they pay up to £12 for your empty toner cartridges. This helps to schools, colleges, universities, local football teams, nonprofit organisations, private and public sector to collect more and more empty cartridges and sell them for cash and charity.
Greentech's Cartridge Recycling Benefits In Reducing Waste and Improving Environment: Recycling used toner cartridges means that you are protecting mother earth and environment. Secondly toner cartridge recycling helps to reduce pollution and global warming around the world.
It helps us to save our natural resources and energy. It won't create any harmful consequences on the health of the human beings, animals and even wildlife. Moreover, dedicated cartridge recycling services of Greentech help people to reduce waste in landfills. Further it helps us to grow our plants and natural environment.
Final Thoughts: Landfill sites create bad impact on our environment and health. In order to reduce waste in landfills, you need to launch a collective campaign and this can be done by recycling empty toner cartridges here at Greentech.