Home & Garden Gardening

Hydroponics Systems

Liquid KoolBloom (0-10-10) is used at the onset of flowering to initiate a faster blooming response and increase essential oil production for heavier, more flavorful fruits and larger, more fragrant flowers. This highly-soluble bulking agent is designed to compliment other General Hydroponics fertilizers including the Flora, Nova, and Maxi series nutrients.

Dr. Hornby's Big Bud has been extensively researched, developed and field-tested. Big Bud will dramatically increase fruit/flower growth, width, weight and production like no other bloom enhancing product can. BIg Bud was engineered by Dr. Hornby, one of the world's leading authorities on fertilizer and amino acid uptake of plants. Step 2 for insanely large yields. Use during early to mid fruit/flowering weeks; 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.5

  • # Your plants utilize L-tryptophan to create an important floral growth hormone called indole acetic acid (IAA). Boosting synthesis of IAA creates larger flowers with more potency.
  • # L-Cysteine provides sulphur, and along with L-Glycine is a prime element in formation of an internal plant protectant compound called glutathione.
  • # Plants respond to bloom phase stress by making glutathione, which has a number of functions including helping plants deal with heat stress, other environmental stressors, and free radicals.
  • # Because many hydroponics nutrients provide no amino acids, and because indoor gardening is inherently stressful to plants, tissue samples show that many plants have glutathione deficiency that slows down metabolic function and results in lower yield sizes.

  • Dry Kool Bloom (sold separately) is added during the last two weeks of development to facilitate ripening and add a final bloom boost

BioBud provides flowering plants with minerals, humates, and amino acids. It encourages profuse and abundant flowering and fruit production. BioBud works in harmony with General Organics BioThrive Bloom fertilizer as a bloom enhancer. Floraliciousâ„¢ is an organic based bio plant stimulant made from a highly concentrated blend of plant, marine plant and mineral extracts. Our unique fermentation process creates a potent blend of phytostimulants and biometabolic precursors that brings out the best in your plants. Floralicious stimulates Krebs cycle metabolism, facilitates mineral transport and aids bioconversion, all which are natural performance and quality determining functions. Floralicious contains a perfect balance of vitamins, phytohormones, humic acids, plant sugars, protein builders and flavor enhancers. Floralicious adds quality to the flavor and colors of all plants and can be used in all hydroponic and soil or soil-based growing environments. clear1x1.gifDBox_Border_Left_Bottom.gifclear1x1.gifDBox_Border_Right_Bottom.gifDBox_Border_Left_Bottom.gifclear1x1.gif
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