Business & Finance Social Media

How to Index a Page Within 24 Hours

As you learn internet marketing you are about to begin to find out that not all of the articles you post on article sites or content related websites will get featured in the search engines.
This is simply because search engines do not know about them AKA can't find them.
In this article you are going to learn how to help the search engines do their job and add all the articles that you submit online within a day.
I first found out about the importance of indexing articles when I was working with a client of mine.
We had hired some overseas workers to submit articles to article directories and blog sites such as Hubpages and Squidoo.
The overseas workers were clearly doing a decent job but it became very obvious that only about 50% of the articles and content that they posted actually were being added to the search engines and counted as beneficial links.
I decided to research this trend more and discovered that we could increase the amount at which our content was being added to the search engines simply by creating more link action on our newly created articles.
In order to do this we had to create some other links linking to our newly made articles.
If you want to have your links added to Google each time, you must have the ability to create activity for your new articles Whenever you want.
Thankfully with the internet as vast as it is there are many ways to do this.
The system that has worked the most for me is that of social bookmarking.
Social bookmarking is the utilization of a lot of the internets high ranking social websites such as Digg, LinkedIn and Reddit.
Social bookmarking sites typically get crawled by the search engines on a regular basis due to the amountt of content they have and action.
Because of this they are the best candidate to exploit in order to get new links to our articles and the search engines adding us.
There is a downside though, social bookmarking can be Very time consuming and the large volume of bookmarks that need to be submitted make it a 40 hour job in itself.
Thankfully there is a solution to this headache for most Internet marketers Who struggle with the issue.
The solution is OnlyWire! OnlyWire is a tool that has been made public to speed up the whole strategy of social marketing.
OnlyWire is going to save you a lot of time and money.
Go to onlywire.
Com and signup for all of the major social bookmarking sites.
Once you have completed that then you will have the ability to use the submitter to with just one click syndicate your page link with a title and a description to all of the best social bookmarking websites that you registered for.
I now use OnlyWire for all of my internet marketing and internet business links.
I find that it makes the process of indexing pages really speedy, trouble-free and to this day I have not had any need to outsource social bookmarking which saves me money.
I recommend that you do the same as I have and give onlywire a try! If you would like to find out more info about how you can Work from home with your own internet business click here to pick up your free video training course.
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