Why do you think Gwen Olsen gave up her job as a pharmaceutical representative? Part of the reason was that she became convinced that the problems of ADHD meds not working and other psychiatric drugs not curing patients just had to be revealed.
She explained in a recent video why she came to this conclusion.
She also had a painful personal experience to relate in that her niece had died because of drug induced addiction which led to her suicide.
Her main concern was that as representative, she was not encouraged by the company to give full disclosure to doctors about side effects and even to minimize these.
The ADHD drugs are no exception.
As this is just a minor mental disorder in which certain brain transmitters are malfunctioning, there is rarely any need for any extensive treatment by psychostimulant drugs.
Most independent medical research shows that after three years, the question of ADHD drugs not working is a very real one.
Children suffering from attention disorders and not being able to concentrate are treated as if they were zombies.
There are certain facts that your doctor does not know about or simply does not wish to tell you when he is prescribing drugs like Ritalin and Adderall for your child.
The effects of these amphetamine drugs will wear off after three years.
William Pelham's work at The University of Buffalo and subsequently at the University of Florida has been key in this regard.
The ADHD drugs not working merely suggest that the solution is to be found elsewhere and the fact that the medicine wears off after just a few hours is indicative of the fact that it can never cure ADHD.
The actual side effects of the drugs for many children are very troublesome and when these are added to their own ADHD problems of concentrating, attention span and hyperactivity, the situation only gets worse and worse.
The child is coping with a whole range of side effects which are adding to the ADHD burden.
He cannot sleep, will doze off in class and his appetite is affected.
These make life just more difficult.
Looking At More Effective Approaches The treatment for ADHD is that a much more comprehensive approach is called for.
Looking at diet, exercise, behavior therapy, ADHD friendly homes and other type of support for schoolwork and so on, can work wonders.
Look at diet, for example in that more protein at breakfast can really make a difference as it can keep blood sugar levels steady.
Just by adding quinoa as a super cereal instead of rice and couscous can be a great way to give your child more protein and amino acids.
This was actually used by NASA astronauats in manned space flights and it is also gluten free.
Why not check out what are the other more effective approaches instead of worrying about ADHD drugs not working.
This could really be a turning point and you will never have to worry about what you hear in the doctor's office.
She explained in a recent video why she came to this conclusion.
She also had a painful personal experience to relate in that her niece had died because of drug induced addiction which led to her suicide.
Her main concern was that as representative, she was not encouraged by the company to give full disclosure to doctors about side effects and even to minimize these.
The ADHD drugs are no exception.
As this is just a minor mental disorder in which certain brain transmitters are malfunctioning, there is rarely any need for any extensive treatment by psychostimulant drugs.
Most independent medical research shows that after three years, the question of ADHD drugs not working is a very real one.
Children suffering from attention disorders and not being able to concentrate are treated as if they were zombies.
There are certain facts that your doctor does not know about or simply does not wish to tell you when he is prescribing drugs like Ritalin and Adderall for your child.
The effects of these amphetamine drugs will wear off after three years.
William Pelham's work at The University of Buffalo and subsequently at the University of Florida has been key in this regard.
The ADHD drugs not working merely suggest that the solution is to be found elsewhere and the fact that the medicine wears off after just a few hours is indicative of the fact that it can never cure ADHD.
The actual side effects of the drugs for many children are very troublesome and when these are added to their own ADHD problems of concentrating, attention span and hyperactivity, the situation only gets worse and worse.
The child is coping with a whole range of side effects which are adding to the ADHD burden.
He cannot sleep, will doze off in class and his appetite is affected.
These make life just more difficult.
Looking At More Effective Approaches The treatment for ADHD is that a much more comprehensive approach is called for.
Looking at diet, exercise, behavior therapy, ADHD friendly homes and other type of support for schoolwork and so on, can work wonders.
Look at diet, for example in that more protein at breakfast can really make a difference as it can keep blood sugar levels steady.
Just by adding quinoa as a super cereal instead of rice and couscous can be a great way to give your child more protein and amino acids.
This was actually used by NASA astronauats in manned space flights and it is also gluten free.
Why not check out what are the other more effective approaches instead of worrying about ADHD drugs not working.
This could really be a turning point and you will never have to worry about what you hear in the doctor's office.