Business & Finance Social Media

Planning For Effective Use Of Social Media Marketing

There has to be a reason why your clients and customers should "Like you on Facebook," or "Follow you on Twitter.
" There must be a benefit for your site's visitor.
Identifying the benefit begins with planning around the market you are trying to reach and analyzing how integrating the community of readers through social media will satisfy their needs.
Using social media as a marketing tool for your business will not increase your likelihood for success if you begin developing it using a one size fits all approach.
Each channel, whether Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, requires a separate and distinct plan and purpose.
What then, are several best practices for generating an interesting social stream? There are several characteristics common amongst those considered successful brands using social media marketing.
Find A Rhythm
The strategy that brings your brand and personality to social media should flow with a definite pattern.
Your readers should come to anticipate the timing of the next posting, the type of information that will be shared and the tone or personality in the writing.
This keeps your readers connected to a certain "person" which is a result of effective branding.
Clarify The Channels And Purpose
Each channel should have a mission, purpose and sub brand.
Perhaps Facebook is more personal and uses an anecdotal approach to sharing information.
Twitter may be the platform for sharing interesting or helpful resources and third-party applications.
LinkedIn may be a place for two-way discussion and dialogue with colleagues.
Know the audience you are reaching and the function for each account.
Track And Evaluate Performance
Develop a method of editing your content and evaluating it on the basis of its level of engagement and relevance.
Use a workflow to track the path of information from the company to the listener.
This is especially helpful if you are using more than one person to handle accounts.
Compose style guides and flow charts so the brand is consistent when others are posting and responding to conversations.
Keep training ongoing and evaluate performance of content at regular intervals; adjusting the approach as necessary so the readers and listeners remain engaged and active.
Social media marketing is an important aspect of your overall marketing strategy.
While it may seem easy to handle, it should be approached with the same care and planning as offline channels and company websites.
The pace of social media is rapid, information is streamed quickly and responses are posted and shared swiftly.
Each post, tweet or comment contributes to your brand's reputation; build your conversations carefully and be sure to have a plan in place for the eventual faux pas that occur.
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