If you are an athlete you will definitely know how it feels to be dehydrated.
It's inevitable if you do sports in the summer time where the sun and heat is pounding down on you.
This is why sports beverages where invented.
They were designed to help athletes rehydrate and restore electrolytes, carbohydrates and other nutrients your body needs that get depleted after training or competition.
Sports drinks also delay the onset of fatigue during exercise and replenish fluids and nutrients at the same time to prevent water intoxication due to consumption of large amounts of water.
Sports drinks can be categorized into three types: isotonic which contain the same salt and sugar concentrations as our body, hypotonic which contain lower concentrations and hypertonic which contain higher concentrations.
Electrolyte replacement promotes proper hydration and carbohydrates that are the main fuel of the body.
Give your body it's needs and hydration so it gives you maximal performance during your sport time.
The most famous sport drink brand in the world is Gatorade.
The original beverage contained water, sucrose, glucose-fructose syrups, citric acid, fish oil, sodium chloride, sodium citrate and flavouring/coloring ingredients.
The electrolytes it includes are essential for your body and are replenished immediately to prevent the adverse effects of electrolyte imbalance.
It all started in the summer of 1965 when a coach sat down with a group of university physicians to find out why the Gator players of his team were affected so much by the heat and started to "wilt" early.
After a lot of research by Dr.
Cade and his team, Gatorade came to be and proved to be a huge success.
It can be found on the sidelines of more than 70 divisions/ colleges as the official drink of their sports college men and women.
Gatorade still continues to search for and study new ways to help athletes improve their performance even more.
Gatorade Original is considered a unique scientifically formulated blend that contains all the essential electrolytes and is the most tested sports drink ever.
Nothing else even comes close to rehydrating as thoroughly or fast as Gatorade.
It tastes great with both lemon and orange flavors and now comes in Low cal which is another useful product that contains the same amount of electrolytes but only 20 calories per serving.
Despite its low calorie content it still helps athletes to stay fueled for an ideal performance.
Gatorade also made it easy to make this wonder drink in bulk by creating it in Powder Form.
This allowed teams to mix it in coolers and create bulk amounts of it for games.
It's inevitable if you do sports in the summer time where the sun and heat is pounding down on you.
This is why sports beverages where invented.
They were designed to help athletes rehydrate and restore electrolytes, carbohydrates and other nutrients your body needs that get depleted after training or competition.
Sports drinks also delay the onset of fatigue during exercise and replenish fluids and nutrients at the same time to prevent water intoxication due to consumption of large amounts of water.
Sports drinks can be categorized into three types: isotonic which contain the same salt and sugar concentrations as our body, hypotonic which contain lower concentrations and hypertonic which contain higher concentrations.
Electrolyte replacement promotes proper hydration and carbohydrates that are the main fuel of the body.
Give your body it's needs and hydration so it gives you maximal performance during your sport time.
The most famous sport drink brand in the world is Gatorade.
The original beverage contained water, sucrose, glucose-fructose syrups, citric acid, fish oil, sodium chloride, sodium citrate and flavouring/coloring ingredients.
The electrolytes it includes are essential for your body and are replenished immediately to prevent the adverse effects of electrolyte imbalance.
It all started in the summer of 1965 when a coach sat down with a group of university physicians to find out why the Gator players of his team were affected so much by the heat and started to "wilt" early.
After a lot of research by Dr.
Cade and his team, Gatorade came to be and proved to be a huge success.
It can be found on the sidelines of more than 70 divisions/ colleges as the official drink of their sports college men and women.
Gatorade still continues to search for and study new ways to help athletes improve their performance even more.
Gatorade Original is considered a unique scientifically formulated blend that contains all the essential electrolytes and is the most tested sports drink ever.
Nothing else even comes close to rehydrating as thoroughly or fast as Gatorade.
It tastes great with both lemon and orange flavors and now comes in Low cal which is another useful product that contains the same amount of electrolytes but only 20 calories per serving.
Despite its low calorie content it still helps athletes to stay fueled for an ideal performance.
Gatorade also made it easy to make this wonder drink in bulk by creating it in Powder Form.
This allowed teams to mix it in coolers and create bulk amounts of it for games.