Although it is not life threatening, hemorrhoids can be painful and can give you discomfort especially when you are sitting.
This is why proper understanding of hemorrhoids and treatment options are important.
Hemorrhoids or swelling of veins in the anus and the rectum can be caused by various factors including constipation.
Constipation affects many individuals each year and because people tend to strain during bowel movement when they are constipated, it usually leads to swelling of the veins and hemorrhoids.
Other causes of hemorrhoids may include obesity, pregnancy, lifting heavy objects, and even sitting for prolonged hours, as these factors promote more pressure in the areas around the anus and the rectum resulting to the swelling of the veins.
If you have hemorrhoids, the most common thing that you may feel is pain on the anus especially when sitting down.
In some case, it may also cause bleeding during bowel movement and may cause itching on the anus as well.
Hemorrhoids can occur inside the anus or outside.
When they are internal hemorrhoids, they may be spotted when you can see blood during bowel movement but in this case, it is always recommended to have yourself checked by your doctor to make sure there are no other underlying diseases that caused the bleeding.
Sometimes hemorrhoids tend to protrude during bowel movement but can be pushed back gently.
This will also relieve you from the pain and discomfort.
Relieving symptoms of hemorrhoids and treatment options may include over-the-counter creams, which may be prescribed by your doctor, but some of these may only eliminate the symptoms.
Finding treatment for hemorrhoids can be difficult because over the counter treatments may be effective to some and not to others, thus it may require you to find another cure.
In some cases, doctors may advise surgical procedures.
It is a comfort to know however that you can do something at home to relieve you from the symptoms.
Natural treatments are available to help you ease the pain and eliminate the problem.
One of the things you can do at home is to have a sitz bath.
This involves sitting on a pan of warm water up to the buttocks to help stimulate the flow of blood in the anal and rectal area.
When doing this, be careful though that you are not putting in too warm water to avoid burning.
Preventing constipation is also one thing you can do to avoid aggravating your hemorrhoids.
You can add more fiber in your diet and drink enough fluids to make easy movement of your bowels.
Witch hazel is also effective in treating hemorrhoids because of its astringent properties.
In fact, it is an active ingredient in most hemorrhoid treatments.
You can find witch hazel ointment or medicated pads to apply to the anal area.
Other ways of alleviating symptoms of hemorrhoids and treatment options also includes strengthening your veins in the rectal and anal area by having a diet rich in Vitamin C as well as bioflavanoid found in citrus fruits.
Avoid lifting heavy objects to prevent any pressure on your rectal area.
Regular exercise is also recommended to help you prevent hemorrhoids from occurring.
This is why proper understanding of hemorrhoids and treatment options are important.
Hemorrhoids or swelling of veins in the anus and the rectum can be caused by various factors including constipation.
Constipation affects many individuals each year and because people tend to strain during bowel movement when they are constipated, it usually leads to swelling of the veins and hemorrhoids.
Other causes of hemorrhoids may include obesity, pregnancy, lifting heavy objects, and even sitting for prolonged hours, as these factors promote more pressure in the areas around the anus and the rectum resulting to the swelling of the veins.
If you have hemorrhoids, the most common thing that you may feel is pain on the anus especially when sitting down.
In some case, it may also cause bleeding during bowel movement and may cause itching on the anus as well.
Hemorrhoids can occur inside the anus or outside.
When they are internal hemorrhoids, they may be spotted when you can see blood during bowel movement but in this case, it is always recommended to have yourself checked by your doctor to make sure there are no other underlying diseases that caused the bleeding.
Sometimes hemorrhoids tend to protrude during bowel movement but can be pushed back gently.
This will also relieve you from the pain and discomfort.
Relieving symptoms of hemorrhoids and treatment options may include over-the-counter creams, which may be prescribed by your doctor, but some of these may only eliminate the symptoms.
Finding treatment for hemorrhoids can be difficult because over the counter treatments may be effective to some and not to others, thus it may require you to find another cure.
In some cases, doctors may advise surgical procedures.
It is a comfort to know however that you can do something at home to relieve you from the symptoms.
Natural treatments are available to help you ease the pain and eliminate the problem.
One of the things you can do at home is to have a sitz bath.
This involves sitting on a pan of warm water up to the buttocks to help stimulate the flow of blood in the anal and rectal area.
When doing this, be careful though that you are not putting in too warm water to avoid burning.
Preventing constipation is also one thing you can do to avoid aggravating your hemorrhoids.
You can add more fiber in your diet and drink enough fluids to make easy movement of your bowels.
Witch hazel is also effective in treating hemorrhoids because of its astringent properties.
In fact, it is an active ingredient in most hemorrhoid treatments.
You can find witch hazel ointment or medicated pads to apply to the anal area.
Other ways of alleviating symptoms of hemorrhoids and treatment options also includes strengthening your veins in the rectal and anal area by having a diet rich in Vitamin C as well as bioflavanoid found in citrus fruits.
Avoid lifting heavy objects to prevent any pressure on your rectal area.
Regular exercise is also recommended to help you prevent hemorrhoids from occurring.