- 1). Grip your driver and address the ball, positioning your feet in adherence to it. The typical placement is for the ball to be just inside the instep of your front foot; however, to produce a lower launch angle, position the ball further back towards the middle of your stance.
- 2). Take the club back towards your dominant side -- like in any natural golf swing -- turning your hips and shoulders. It is important you do not slide your hips or leave your shoulders stationary.
- 3). Rotate your body back towards the ball once you have reached the apex of your backswing and be sure to lead the downswing with the grip. This will ensure a healthy angle in your wrists and allow your hands to be ahead of the ball at impact, lowering the face angle and producing a low trajectory.
- 4). Follow through the ball and again rotate your hips and shoulders, gently lifting your back heel off the ground. The length of your follow through should mirror the length of your backswing.