Health & Medical sports & Exercise

3 Neck and Shoulder Exercises For Improved Posture

Poor posture really isn't something that gets talked about much, what with all the other health related concerns out there these days, but as innocent as it may seem on the surface, poor posture can seriously hamper your height, and could cause back problems in particular later in life.
Thankfully, poor posture is an ailment which can be easily corrected, thanks to some specific posture exercises which target the neck and shoulders areas, helping stretch out and limber up muscles.
3 of these exercises to improve posture are highlighted below.
1) Shoulder Release - Sit on a chair with your back straight, and your feet flat on the floor.
Your arms should be hanging by your sides, palms facing towards your body.
Now inhale deeply, and as you do so, raise your shoulders up to the level of your ears.
Hold this position, then exhale and release your shoulders back to their normal position.
This exercise is one that imparts immediate benefits, and you'll likely feel the results after just one sitting.
The muscles in your spine and shoulders get stretched out as a result of this posture exercise, increasing height and flexibility.
2) Turkey Stretch - Again, you need to be sitting in a straight backed chair for this exercise.
Keep your head held up and eyes fixed forward, beyond the tip of your nose.
Keep a hand held gently to your chin, and take a deep breath, keeping your hand held against your chin as your head rises further up.
Perform this a few times per sitting.
This stretch is also great for stretching out your back.
3) Turkey Stretch and Turn - This routine has many of the same characteristics as the last one, with some slight variations, benefiting both your back and shoulders.
Again, sitting straight up on a chair, tuck your chin down into your neck area without changing your back posture.
Take a deep breath, and as you do so, turn your neck slowly to the right, maintaining the same shoulder and back posture.
Hold this position, inhaling deeply again.
Now as you exhale, turn your neck back to its starting position.
Perform this again, now turning to the left, and then back to center.
Repeat this process three more times.
When posture is so easily corrected and remedied with a few simple posture exercises, there's really no reason not to take advantage of them.
Proven techniques for stretching out muscles and increasing flexibility are just a deep breath or two away.
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