Pets & Animal Pets & Animal

Dog Silencer Pro - Quiet Your Dog Like a Professional

Have you ever wished you could have a dog silencer? Perhaps anything, that could immediately stop a barking dog from barking. Most people would say YES but if I can't find that... just give me a big stick because "I can't take it anymore!" It's hard, I know to have compassion or concern for a dog when you spend what seems to be endless days and nights listening to your dog barking or other dogs in the neighborhood barking until the wee hours of the morning. At 3:00 a.m. in the morning, a big stick may seem too small for such a job.

Why does a dog bark nonstop anyway? It is usually because it's more rewarding for them to bark than it is for him or her to be quiet. Boredom or noise can trigger a dog to start barking and once it starts, it is simply just too hard for an untrained dog to stop.

This is where a little training on your part can help but you must be vigilant and persistent! You can't do this training a couple of times then quit. Be very persistent... or at least as persistent as your dog is about barking.

Here's a simple yet effective technique to train your dog to stop barking. Before long, she will become the happy people-pleasing dog she has always wanted to be.

Items you need to have available for this training technique: Books to train yourself "to be persistent", clean spray bottle or an electronic dog silencer, treats and your time.

Step #1 - Read book on "How to Be Persistent".

Steps # 2 - When your dog barks at inappropriate times, immediate go to him and with a stern authoritative voice say "NO"! Whatever you do - don't call your dog to you. You must get up and go to him.

Step #3 - After your authoritative "NO" command... spritz your dog in the face with water from a clean spray bottle. (Some people suggest that you can also use a 2-finger tap across the nose instead of the water but I prefer a much kinder gentler approach.) Both ways will work so use the lesser painful one. You just want your dog to understand that for every bark - there is going to be an unpleasant consequence. Never hurt your dog. He's your friend. Treat him with respect and he'll respect you.

You can also use an electronic dog silencer after each "NO" command (most of these come with a handy remote). An electronic dog silencer emits an unpleasant high-pitched sound that only dogs can hear.

Step #4 - Read your book again on How to be Persistent! You must be persistent with this training until your dog can master the art of no barking!

Step #5 - Play with your pet and reward her with true affection when she is not barking. Let her know she is a valued member of the family and you that appreciate her being quiet.

Sometimes all of us can use a little help remembering what we have learned and it's no exception with your dog. I would recommend an electronic dog silencer that emits an unpleasant sound when your dog barks. This device will help her remember, "not to bark".

Your canine friend will love being quiet so you can once again enjoy a good night of sleep.

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