- If you're looking for bridal shower gift ideas, consider first the wedding registries. The invitation to the wedding or the shower may have included a small card with the names of the stores where the bride or couple is registered. Visit the store, or go to its website to pick out an appropriate gift. The gift you do choose should be less expensive than the wedding gift (and yes, it is considered good taste to get both), and geared to a slightly more feminine taste.
- A nice idea that doesn't have to cost too much money is a recipe book -- but not just any recipe book. Instead of a blank one, have each of the bridal shower attendants (in advance) contribute a favorite recipe and an encouraging message for the bride. A gift such as this is a nice idea for those who want to wish the bride well, but will be unable to attend the shower or the wedding in person. It is best organized by the same person arranging the shower, because she will be in a good position to know who was invited in the first place.
- If you're looking for something indulgent for the bride-to-be (and possibly even yourself), consider getting together with other friends and purchasing a "spa day" for her -- and you all as well. This can be an entire day at a local establishment, or just a few hours where you can be pampered and chat together. Services can include items such as massages, pedicures, and even haircuts and coloring. A gift like this is still proper, but works well if your bride is in the mood for a relaxing present as opposed to a straitlaced one.
- Handmade gifts are always appropriate at a bridal shower as long as they show the love and effort that went into making them. Cross-stitched wedding announcements, needlepoint marriage blessings, and love-themed patchwork quilts are all thoughtful presents for the bride-to-be.
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