- The associate producer is responsible for making a production schedule. She works closely with the producer on set to decide what the production schedule will look like day to day. The associate producer then drafts the production schedule, outlining what the production tasks of each day will be. She is responsible for ensuring that every member of the production team has the detailed production schedule.
- The associate producer of a film hires the production team. She must interview for numerous positions in the production department, including camera operators, key grips and gaffers. The associate producer is also responsible for hiring the production design team and post-production team. Although the producer of the film has the final say, the associate producer does the leg work in the hiring capacities.
- The associate producer is in charge of ordering all of the equipment that will be needed for the film production, including cameras, microphones, video monitors and computers, editing programs and all other production software. The associate producer must keep a detailed record of all equipment and is responsible for it.
- The associate producer on a film is also in charge of all the aspects of a film’s post-production. Often times this will be a job for an associate producer known as the post producer. These aspects of post-production include overseeing the musical score, color correction of the film, picture editing and audio editing. The associate producer usually does not do this all alone but organizes his team of post-production technicians to accomplish the final film.
Production Scheduling
Hiring a Production Team
Ordering Equipment
Post Production