Health & Medical Anxiety

Does Anxiety Make You Anxious?

Most are in agreement that anxiety attacks are emotional phenomena.
People who suffer from them can usually look at the situation logically and see they are totally non sense but that doesn't stop them from happening.
People with chronic anxiety often do whatever they can just to make it through the day.
The attacks are so strong that most decide to medicate the symptoms just to go throughout the day.
I guess a numbed peace is better than no peace.
I was puzzled by the fact that medication seemed to be the only resolution.
Friends of mine who suffered from anxiety could feel the attack as it ramped up.
They described it as being able to feel it taking hold.
Very soon the attack would grow stronger and control their day.
I knew that they had the ability to recover and live a life without resorting to the numbing effects of medications.
I couldn't understand why a universal solution hadn't been created for an infliction that affects so many.
There must be a way to end anxiety attacks once and for all and I wanted to figure out how.
Seeking a logical cause of the attacks seemed pointless due to their illogical nature, the outbreaks must be tied to emotions.
My question was, "Is it possible to neutralize the emotional foundation which developed into the attack before it became overwhelming?" I wanted to find out not only how to address the attacks but eliminate them all together.
After years of innovative research I learned it is very possible.
I've come to believe that addressing the emotional foundation of the anxiety attacks is the most efficient way to naturally deal as they arise.
With just a little bit of practice the person suffering from the attacks moves from dealing with the attacks to eliminating them entirely.
Many people have used meditation to address their emotions.
Others have used exercise, counseling, writing or other forms of expression but I still wasn't satisfied.
I couldn't understand why some anxiety remedies worked some times for some people but none of them worked all of the time or with even any reliability.
It wasn't surprising only answer to anxiety relief seemed to be medication many times people resorted to self medication.
To get passed all anxiety you must eliminate the emotional foundation plain and simple.
It's best if it's done in a way that doesn't hurt and is efficiently quick.
It's actually quite simple, once you address your emotions you will finally enjoy life.
You can put anxiety in your past completely but not without neutralizing its emotional foundation.
If you apply remedies that do anything else your struggle will continue.
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