Investing in a blood pressure machine that you can use at home is a great step in taking charge of your health and well being.
It is also a great way to monitor your blood pressure every day so you can keep track of your readings for yourself and for your doctor.
This will help your doctor better manage your medications to provide the best possible care.
There are two types of blood pressure machines you can use at home - aneriod monitors (also known as manual monitors) and digital monitors.
Both these machines vary in how you use them so here are user instructions for each device.
Aneriod Monitors 1) Aneroid monitors require that you listen to your heart beat with a stethoscope.
So the first step is to place the ear pieces of the stethoscope in your ears.
2) The disk at the other end of the stethoscope needs to be placed on the inside of the elbow on the fold.
3) Wrap the cuff around the upper left arm, level with the heart.
4) The cuff needs to be inflated manually with an aneriod blood pressure machine using the hand pump (bulb).
The bulb needs to be squeezed rapidly and repeatedly until the reading exceeds you last systolic reading by approx.
30-40 points.
5) At this point the valve can be slightly loosened to let some air out of the cuff at a rate of about 2-3 mmps.
If the cuff deflates more quickly than this the reading will not be accurate.
6) As the cuff is deflating you will start to hear your heart beating.
It is important to be aware of the very first sound of your heartbeat because this is the moment that you need to take note of the number on the dial.
This number is your systolic blood pressure reading.
7) As the cuff continues to deflate you will notice via the stethoscope that your heartbeat will stop.
This is your second indication to take note of the dial reading.
This result is your diastolic reading...
and your done! 8) If you want to take a second reading it is recommended to wait at least three minutes before re-inflating the cuff.
Digital Monitors 1) Place the cuff of the digital blood pressure machine around your upper left arm and turn the device on.
2) Depending on the model the cuff will either inflate automatically or need to be inflated manually with a hand pump in the same way an aneriod device needs to be inflated.
3) The cuff will begin to deflate slowly and automatically for all digital monitors at which point you can take the reading from the digital monitor.
4) You are now finished so you can press a button on the device that will let all the air out of the cuff.
If you are looking to buy a blood pressure monitoring machine at home you can get some great advice at Blood Pressure Machine Guide
It is also a great way to monitor your blood pressure every day so you can keep track of your readings for yourself and for your doctor.
This will help your doctor better manage your medications to provide the best possible care.
There are two types of blood pressure machines you can use at home - aneriod monitors (also known as manual monitors) and digital monitors.
Both these machines vary in how you use them so here are user instructions for each device.
Aneriod Monitors 1) Aneroid monitors require that you listen to your heart beat with a stethoscope.
So the first step is to place the ear pieces of the stethoscope in your ears.
2) The disk at the other end of the stethoscope needs to be placed on the inside of the elbow on the fold.
3) Wrap the cuff around the upper left arm, level with the heart.
4) The cuff needs to be inflated manually with an aneriod blood pressure machine using the hand pump (bulb).
The bulb needs to be squeezed rapidly and repeatedly until the reading exceeds you last systolic reading by approx.
30-40 points.
5) At this point the valve can be slightly loosened to let some air out of the cuff at a rate of about 2-3 mmps.
If the cuff deflates more quickly than this the reading will not be accurate.
6) As the cuff is deflating you will start to hear your heart beating.
It is important to be aware of the very first sound of your heartbeat because this is the moment that you need to take note of the number on the dial.
This number is your systolic blood pressure reading.
7) As the cuff continues to deflate you will notice via the stethoscope that your heartbeat will stop.
This is your second indication to take note of the dial reading.
This result is your diastolic reading...
and your done! 8) If you want to take a second reading it is recommended to wait at least three minutes before re-inflating the cuff.
Digital Monitors 1) Place the cuff of the digital blood pressure machine around your upper left arm and turn the device on.
2) Depending on the model the cuff will either inflate automatically or need to be inflated manually with a hand pump in the same way an aneriod device needs to be inflated.
3) The cuff will begin to deflate slowly and automatically for all digital monitors at which point you can take the reading from the digital monitor.
4) You are now finished so you can press a button on the device that will let all the air out of the cuff.
If you are looking to buy a blood pressure monitoring machine at home you can get some great advice at Blood Pressure Machine Guide