Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

The Truth About Dog Food Ratings

Picking out the perfect food for your pet can be an intimidating task and a number of dog food rating websites, articles, and magazines promise to give you a definite answer about which product is the best.
The truth is, you need to consider a number of important factors about you and your dog's specific situation before you follow the recommendations of these ratings.
Listed below are a few things to think about before you head to the store.
Every dog is different.
Many dog food ratings promise to reveal the best all-around dog food or give you information about the perfect treat for every pet.
The idea that one type of food is right for every dog simply isn't true.
Your pet's age, breed, and personal preference should all be considered before you decide what food to buy.
For instance, older dogs often suffer from kidney problems and are unable to digest the high amounts of protein that may be heralded in the reviews of certain brands.
Puppies, on the other hand, require large amounts of protein to grow and develop properly.
Specific breeds of dogs may be more susceptible to food allergies and food intolerance, so this must also be considered when selecting dietary options.
Next, many dog food ratings label premium products with a slew of canine-friendly captions like "table grade" or "human ready.
" You should know that the only title that is FDA approved and has any legitimate bearing on the quality of your dog's food is "human grade.
" Ambiguous descriptions like all natural also have little significance and shouldn't be given importance when sifting through ratings.
Organic options are also a recent trend in the pet food world.
While these products do provide a premium eating experience by eliminating any artificial ingredients and preservatives, there is not conclusive evidence that they are healthier or more beneficial for your pet.
Take special note of the source you are retrieving your food ratings from.
If a particular website is littered with ads for one type of food or seems to prefer one brand above all others, you may be seeing advertising in disguise.
Make sure the sources you're visiting are reputable and provide clear evidence of the conclusions they reach.
Above all, your veterinarian is the most reliable and dependable source when it comes to learning about your dog and its nutritional needs.
Dog food ratings can often be as confusing to understand and navigate as the dog food aisle itself.
Stay up to date about new trends in the industry and be informed about claims and promises manufacturers are making.
With a little research, you'll dig up the best food for your canine friend.
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