Things You'll Need
Step 1:
Choose fresh-picked, ripe peaches to freeze. Handle carefully so you do not bruise the delicate flesh.
Step 2:
Wash peaches in cool water and then drop for 30 seconds into a pan of boiling water. Immediately remove from boiling water and immerse in cold ice water to stop the heating process.
Step 3:
Peel peaches and cut in half. Carefully remove the peach flesh from the pit. If you are not freezing half peaches then cut into the desired slice size. For pies you will want to cut each half into about 6 slices.
Step 4:
Add 1/4 teaspoon of ascorbic acid to 1/4 cup cold water and sprinkle over 1 quart of peaches. Add 2/3 cup white sugar to peaches and mix gently.
Step 5:
Scoop peaches into freezer bag that has been marked with contents and date then seal well.