The immediate symptoms of birth asphyxia include pale skin tone (or bluish in color), weak breathing (or not breathing at all), weak cry, low heart rate, poor muscle tone, weak reflexes, acidosis (high levels of acid in the blood), meconium in the birth fluid, and seizures. Many of these are measured in the Apgar scores that are taken right after birth. Low Apgar scores (in the 0-3 range) for more than five minutes may indicate birth asphyxia. A long period of low oxygen before or during birth can cause major organs to shut down or other extended future consequences, such as an increased risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), epilepsy, cerebral palsy, and ADHD.
Globally, birth asphyxia occurs in some degree to four million babies each year. About one million infants die as a result. The United States has the fourth highest rate of death attributed to birth asphyxia of all the nations in the world. The emotional and financial costs of this condition are enormous, driving many parents to seek out a medical malpractice attorney.
The most common causes have to do with prenatal hypoxia, long and difficult labor, preterm labor, anesthesia, umbilical cord compression, or placental abruption. Prenatal hypoxia is a reduced amount of oxygen to the fetus during pregnancy which can be caused by a lack of prenatal care, smoking or alcohol abuse by the mother, certain maternal illnesses or medications, and more. AÂ medical malpractice attorney will investigate how prenatal care was handled as well as how a mother's labor and birth were managed.
The symptoms a baby experiences or even the death of a child may have been prevented if the doctor or medical staff had taken precautions against asphyxia or intervened in long labor earlier. By contacting a medical malpractice attorneyparents can find out their options and more information on this horrible condition. There are also support groups online to help with emotional concerns.