Health & Medical Food & Drink

3 Easy School Fundraisers: All You Can Eat Spirit Nights At BBQ Restaurants, Carnivals And More

Whether your children go to public or private schools, from preschool to high school, you've already likely been hit up for those fundraisers.
Instead of sending kids out door to door selling goods that no one really wants, consider taking part in these unique fundraisers to make money for your school.
The Write A Check Method Many parents and loved ones want to support their local schools, but they can be resentful when asked to buy overpriced cookie dough, frozen pizzas and wrapping paper.
This is especially true when they realize that only a small portion of what they spend actually goes to the organization.
Some savvy PTAs are choosing to forgo traditional fundraising efforts and are instead choosing to use a new and unique 'write a check' method of fundraising.
Parents simply write a check in any amount and send it to the organization.
Parents like it because they're spending the same amount as they did before and organizations like it because they bank the entire amount collected instead of sending a portion of it to a company.
Spirit Nights At Local All You Can Eat BBQ Restaurants Another popular and easy fundraiser involves pairing with a local all you can eat restaurant.
Take BBQ restaurants for instance.
Families affiliated with the organization can visit BBQ restaurants for BBQ ribs, smoked pork and more all you can eat food in exchange for the restaurant sending a portion of its profits to the school.
This is a win-win situation for everyone -- BBQ restaurants gain customers who might never otherwise visit their restaurants for BBQ ribs and more and the school will receive a nice check without a lot of work.
To make this night even more fun, perhaps the teachers of the school could come and clear tables, refill drinks, greet customers and more.
Planning A Community Carnival A carnival can be a lot of work but a lot of fun for all involved.
Teachers, parents and students alike can come together to plan an exciting event.
Smart organizers can find local companies to donate food, prizes and more to cut down on costs.
Some choose to forgo prizes and let the experience be the fun.
Games can include skilled activities such as archery, a bean bag toss or unskilled fun like a duck pond or a dinosaur dig where little ones dig for a plastic dinosaur in a large sand box.
Parents can buy tickets for their children to participate in games or rides, or organizers can offer a wristband that allows their kids to play and ride for one price.
Food such as hot dogs, hamburgers, funnel cakes and other carnival food also provides an excellent opportunity to make some money.
School fundraisers don't have to be painful for parents.
Whether you're in charge of raising money for your organization or you're simply a supportive parent, consider one of these three money making activities.
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