- 1). Introduce yourself to your African Grey slowly. Speak to him as you walk toward the cage and when you place your hand in the cage, do so slowly. Don't grab at your bird or expect him to get on your finger at this time. Repeat this process for several days until your parrot seems accustomed to your hand.
- 2). Offer your parrot treats with your hand. This will build trust with your bird. When he begins to come to your hand, you can start training him.
- 3). Begin training your parrot in a way that eases him into positive behaviors. Working with your bird is the first step to creating a trusting relationship. One of the easiest things to teach him is to step up on your finger. Gently slide your index finger against the chest area right above his legs. He should step up on it, like a perch. Repeat "up" or "step up" so he will learn this behavior.
- 4). Provide your parrot with praise when he does something positive. Verbal praise or giving your parrot his favorite treat is a positive process that establishes communication.
- 5). Prepare to spend time with your parrot. They need about 30 to 45 minutes per day of direct attention.
- 6). Give your parrot time out of his cage. Healthy, happy African Grays need about three hours a day out of their cages, according to Avian Web.