Business & Finance Social Media

Share Your Photos on Twitter Today

As the internet moves forward through Social Media Twitter is one of the most used ways to share your content and of recent to share your photos.
Twitter allows users to use up to 140 characters to get their short burst of content out from funny, inspirational, the notorious sales pitches to the absolute mundane.
Until recently I did not know that one could share their pictures on Twitter.
As a photographer myself this was wonderful news to me.
If you knew how to do this would you share your pictures? Twitter itself doesn't have any way to support this task with its 140 characters however there are a few good third party applications one can use to add this visual tweet and get started immediately.
Almost daily there is a new application springing up to support adding images.
I have included a few here for you to check out.
Twitpic: Twitters most popular and largest service for sharing.
Twitpic got its best notoriety when the Hudson River plane crash was shared on Twitter.
Twitgoo: Has the look and feel much like Twitter and integrates into favorites like your TwitterBerry and Mac.
This application has a fee.
TweetPhoto: An up and coming application definitely in the running against Twitpic with some great features such as favoriting, stats, integrating Facebook and even geo targeting.
yfrog: A very simple application designed by Imageshack for uploading images only.
Pikchur: You can get started immediately with this application that allows you to share your pictures with not only Twitter but Facebook, Flickr, Tumblr and Friendfeed.
Signing up is optional.
How handy is that? Picktor: Is one of the most recent applications being launched only last month.
This is a simple application of sharing photos using Twitter's oAuth implementation which means when you login and your are private info is safe.
Picktor also allows its users to share their images within other social media sites not unlike the Pikchur application.
You will also find more ways to share your photos on Twitter such as using Friendfeed or other third party services uploading through your email or mobile phone applications.
If you had entertained the thoughts of sharing your photos on Twitter like I have well now you can.
Get started today!
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