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HTML coding adds customization to PHP point of sale receipts.fattura 3 image by Rido from Fotolia.com
Add your customer's address and phone number on your receipts. You can keep a copy of this information so that you may retrieve it, if necessary, at a later date. Use HTML coding in your PHP Point of Sale program to change the receipt, adding lines for the customer's address and phone number. - 2
Use barcodes to customize a PHP point of sale.barcode_02 image by Perth from Fotolia.com
Create barcodes to identify customers or items in your inventory. Select the "Items" button in the the toolbar found at the top of the screen. Then select the "Items Barcode" link, according to phppointofsale.com. If you use either a Microsoft XP, 2002 or 2003 operating system, you can select "Tools", then "Letters and Mailings" followed by "Envelopes and Labels." When a pop-up window appears, click "Labels", select a label template and click "New Document." End by copying the barcode from the PHP point of sale image and pasting it to the Word label template. - 3
Customize a PHP POS with discount information.discount banner image by tomdesigner from Fotolia.com
Apply discounts when a purchase is made. You can create discounts for either individual sale items or the entire shopping cart. Select the "Unit Price" field next to a sale item, then enter a numerical value, from 1 to 99, in the "Global Sale Discount" field.