Religious art in the garden sets the tone and creates a feeling of peace and tranquility.
For most of us, our garden design is an ever changing thing.
It evolves over the years, often due to financial concerns.
The purchase of plants and decorative elements can be spread out over the years in order to ease the burden of work and budget concerns.
But the ever changing garden can be so much more than a way to save money.
Over the years, many gardens develop a theme.
In the busy lives that we lead, dealing with work, traffic, and the pressures of the modern world, our time in the garden becomes a special time.
There, we commune with nature.
We work quietly, at an easy pace.
For many of us, that time take take on spiritual significance.
As we plant and weed, often standing back to study the effect of our toil, many of us find our minds turning to more spiritual aspects of life.
The garden is a place to find peace, a little spot set away from it all and the hectic demands of modern life.
A religious statue makes an excellent focal point in the back or front yard.
The presence of St.
Francis of Assisi, Buddha, the Blessed Mother, or an angel can remind us of our better qualities.
Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of animals and the ecological movement.
His love of nature and appreciation for God's creation makes his message a popular one to include in a garden.
Saint Francis preached to the birds and referred to the sun and the moon as 'Brother Sun and Sister Moon,' and encourages us to find a peaceful path in life.
Buddha, meaning 'the enlightened one,' taught his followers to travel a peaceful path as well.
After long years living the life of an ascetic, he found enlightenment while meditating beneath a tree.
Both of these men shared the importance of following a compassionate philosophy and gained their spiritual mind set while communing with nature.
Saint Francis of Assisi and the Buddha found enlightenment in the natural world.
The presence of a Saint Francis or Buddha statue reminds us of the purity of nature.
These images encourage us to follow a similar path through life.
The place that hold a statue of such religious figures suggests that the garden is a special area dedicated to peace and goodness, a place to relax the mind, and open our hearts to a higher purpose.
Our own little garden can be the spot where we begin our walk down a path toward spiritual enlightenment.
For most of us, our garden design is an ever changing thing.
It evolves over the years, often due to financial concerns.
The purchase of plants and decorative elements can be spread out over the years in order to ease the burden of work and budget concerns.
But the ever changing garden can be so much more than a way to save money.
Over the years, many gardens develop a theme.
In the busy lives that we lead, dealing with work, traffic, and the pressures of the modern world, our time in the garden becomes a special time.
There, we commune with nature.
We work quietly, at an easy pace.
For many of us, that time take take on spiritual significance.
As we plant and weed, often standing back to study the effect of our toil, many of us find our minds turning to more spiritual aspects of life.
The garden is a place to find peace, a little spot set away from it all and the hectic demands of modern life.
A religious statue makes an excellent focal point in the back or front yard.
The presence of St.
Francis of Assisi, Buddha, the Blessed Mother, or an angel can remind us of our better qualities.
Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of animals and the ecological movement.
His love of nature and appreciation for God's creation makes his message a popular one to include in a garden.
Saint Francis preached to the birds and referred to the sun and the moon as 'Brother Sun and Sister Moon,' and encourages us to find a peaceful path in life.
Buddha, meaning 'the enlightened one,' taught his followers to travel a peaceful path as well.
After long years living the life of an ascetic, he found enlightenment while meditating beneath a tree.
Both of these men shared the importance of following a compassionate philosophy and gained their spiritual mind set while communing with nature.
Saint Francis of Assisi and the Buddha found enlightenment in the natural world.
The presence of a Saint Francis or Buddha statue reminds us of the purity of nature.
These images encourage us to follow a similar path through life.
The place that hold a statue of such religious figures suggests that the garden is a special area dedicated to peace and goodness, a place to relax the mind, and open our hearts to a higher purpose.
Our own little garden can be the spot where we begin our walk down a path toward spiritual enlightenment.