Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

Leading A Double Life - Is Your Spouse Cheating On You?

Do you get a feeling deep inside that your spouse might be cheating on you? Are they leading a double life? Hopefully your senses are incorrect and you are over-reacting. However, what if your senses end up being right? It could be years later when you get to the truth; all the time wasted in a relationship with a cheater. For your own sense of well being, read on to get valuable information on some of the character traits that could indicate your spouse is leading a double life.


Many things lead our minds to wander, paying less attention to those around us. If your spouse seems "less there" than normal, it might be their secret lover they are thinking about. Distraction could be indicated by lack of communication, staring off into space, and even negativity and depression. Their mind is filled with wanting and thoughts of the lover in their double life - nothing is as important! Normal day to day activities and chores are forgotten and the desires to complete anything are not there. They probably daydream about their next encounter, waiting impatiently for that time to come. If the relationship is fairly new, all the can think about is being with them all the time. If your spouse is displaying any of these traits, especially if it is out of character for them, it might mean they are leading a double life.


People usually make little change to their appearance, usually when they are comfortable with their styles and choices. When we need to, we might change our look to impress someone; such as a new job interview. This extends to someone leading a double life. Think back to your own relationships' beginnings - you probably made yourself stand out more for your new found love. If your spouse is cheating on you, you may start to observe drastic changes in appearance. They might start sporting a new look including changes to hair style, wardrobe, cologne/perfume, and even going on a diet. Most of this would appear out of the blue. They make every effort to impress their secret lover and will stop at nothing to do that. Some cheaters will be so impressionable by their lover, they might even take suggestions from them regarding appearance. If there seems to be no valid reason for the changes in your spouses' appearance, they might be having an affair.


For obvious reasons, a cheating spouse does not want to be found out. This creates a higher level of anxiety in them. They might be jumpy, nervous, and stressed. The phone rings, and they jump. If you get to it first, they play the 20 questions game. If they get it, the call is short and they have something prepared to tell you - wrong number, work, or telemarketer. Going out in public, they seem to be looking around, on edge and hoping someone does not recognize them from a moment with their lover. Leading a double life can be very stressful for them, always worried about getting caught. If your spouse is more nervous and anxious than normal, there has to be a reason behind it, including a secret love affair.


Leaving a paper trail is the last thing a cheating spouse wants to do. Credit card bills, phone statements, receipts, and even cell phone call logs might get them caught red handed. They figured if they can make these documents vanish they can cover their tracks. If your spouse rushes to get the mail, answer the phone, and pay the bills, they might be trying to hide something. Suddenly the statements for accounts and phone have disappeared. When you question your spouse, they play "dumb", and have no idea about any of that. This trait should be very obvious, somehow they do not think that creates reg flag. Keeping things secret from you, such as documentation, could be an indicator of a cheating spouse.
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