Business & Finance Corporations

Work At Home - What To Expect From One Popular Offer

There has been a lot of talk online about the type at home/data entry programs offered on the Internet.
Some firmly believe these are legitimate programs, some feel they are nothing but scams.
You are either for them or against them.
There doesn't seem to be a middle ground.
So after much thought and soul searching I decided until I had more definitive answers these types of sites would be taken off my work at home site.
Not because I think they are scams, but because there are too many questions left unanswered for others and me.
I try to run an honest website.
When someone comes to my work at home website, I want them to feel they are truly going to get an honest work at home opportunity.
So in keeping with that direction I took all questionable offers off my site and blog.
I will say straight out...
I have never worked any of these programs.
I just don't have time to work every program that is offered on my site.
I rely on others within a group to help determine whether a program is legitimate or not.
I have to put my trust in others, the same as anyone coming to my website has to do.
In 99% of the programs I offer the typical results from those who have worked the programs and happy with their results.
Why are these programs questionable?For some reason when someone says type at home/data entry they think they are going to be doing the same type of work they do in an office setting from 9-5.
When the complete opposite is true.
These programs are totally different.
With each of these programs you are typing ads for work at home business, placing them on different ad sites on the internet, and getting paid when someone signs up through your ad.
In essence you are an affiliate marketer.
The upside is that you are paying for training on how to use Google AdSense (which can be a minefield if you don't know what you are doing), how to write effective ads, and where and when to place them.
This training is imperative to success.
You can do it on your own and eventually with a lot of hard work and research you will become good at it.
Will you make the thousand of dollars a week?Highly doubtful.
Will you make any money? Yes.
It is possible to make $100-$200 a week selling any of the programs, but you have to weight that with how much you are spending on advertising.
If you are only breaking even, then it is not worth it.
Ask yourself if this is something that you feel you can make consistent money with; if the answer is yes then my advice is go for it! With all of this said there are companies that offer real work at home.
But before you send money go to the various business forums and read what others have to say about the programs.
You will have to weed out the sales pitches, as everyone will try and sell you his or her products.
Use common sense, know your budget, do not borrow or use your credit cards to finance any venture of this sort; that can lead to financial disaster.
Pick something you like to do, or turn your hobby or interests into a business.
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