Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Dog Training Success - Overcoming Your Negative Self Talk In Three Easy Steps

If we intend to overcome some problem, we need to follow three steps: 1.
Create Awareness
  • become aware of the fact, that the problem exists
  • realize the size of the problem
  • getting to know the impact of the problem
Many people get stuck at this first step because when they realize the problem exists they come fascinated by it.
They just watch it and put their attention on it and as they do this the problem gets bigger.
  • after realizing that the problem exists you need to say "yes" to the fact that it is there
This seems to be the hardest and most misunderstood step because you may think that accepting the problem means agreeing with it.
The common notion is that you need to resist the problem with all your might and then it will go away.
This is totally wrong because what we resist persists.
Doing something about it People think that saying NO! to a problem is the only thing they can do about it.
As we have just said, this strategy works the other way round, i.
it perpetuates the problem.
So what does all this mean in regard to your negative self talk which is keeping you stuck and hindering your dog training success? In a nutshell: You need to realize that indeed you think thoughts like
  • oh he won't come anyway
  • she never does as I tell her to
  • I am no good at dog training
  • my dog just does not understand me
  • why bother, just let him get on with it
You need to understand d accept that those negative thoughts have an impact on yourself and on your dog, persuading both of you that indeed he is a bad dog and you are useless as a trainer.
Step 3: You use a simple Tapping Technique to get rid of those unhelpful, hindering thoughts.
Here it goes: First ask yourself: On a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being the strongest and 0 being the weakest, how much do I believe that I am no good at dog training? Write down your number and begin the tapping process: Tap the Carate Chop Point at the side of your hand whilst saying three times: Even so, I believe that I am no good at training my dog, I accept myself and my dog Now tap on the top of your head and say: I believe I am no good at dog training Tap the middle of your forehead: I believe I am no good at dog training Tap right under your nose: I believe I am no good at dog training Tap on the point between your lower lip a your chin: I believe I am no good at dog training Tap right in the middle of your chest: I believe I am no good at dog training.
Repeat the tapping rounds five times and ask yourself again: On a scale of 0 to 10 how much do I believe that I am no good at dog training? You will find that your number has gone down somewhat.
Just continue with your tapping until the strength of your belief is zero.
Now you have gotten rid of this portion of your negative self talk you may continue tapping away other sentences that keep you stuck.
Once you have freed yourself from your negative self talk, the relationship between yourself and your dog will improve rapidly and both of you will enjoy the training process more and more.
Try it, it is worth your while!
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