Various organizations and individuals offer Indian dance classes for children in New York City and other parts of the US. Instruction is provided for various age groups from toddlers to teenagers. Qualified dance teachers handle the sessions, providing basic, intermediate, and advanced levels of training. There's a lot of truth in the saying that all work and no play makes your kid dull. One of the best ways for your child to have something fun as well as learn something about Indian culture and tradition is to have him or her enroll in one of these classes.
Students of Indian dance learn to move in harmony with the music using the right steps and facial expressions. They develop a basic comprehension of music and rhythm. As the child develops these skills and learns the finer nuances of dance, the entire family shares in the sense of achievement.
Training for Various Categories
Students who plan to enter competitions can make a good start by attending these Indian dance classes. Some of the categories for which training is available are Kathak, Bharatanatyam, Odissi, and Bollywood dance.
• Kathak - A Kathak performance involves detailed choreography. This is achieved with hand gestures (mudras), facial expressions, body positions, and footwork. "Katha" is the Sanskrit word for "tale" or "story." Kathak gets its crucial qualities from grace, sophisticated gestures, emotion, and precise and quick rhythms. The 16th century Mughal emperors set off significant modifications in this art form, guiding it from the status of a sacred performance to a status of a dance of the courts. It is now a full-fledged classical art.
• Bharatanatyam - Bharatanatyam had its beginnings 5000 years ago in Tamil Nadu in South India. The art form got passed down from one generation to another by way of the Devadasi system. Under this system, young girls eight years of age were dedicated to serve as the musicians and dancers of the deity in a temple. Bharata Natyam is characterized by linear geometric patterns, eloquence of expression, detailed mathematical rhythms, precision of footwork, and ideal body balance. It has undergone changes with the progress of time, but still maintains its nature and pristine beauty. Enrolling in Indian dance classes for Bharatanatyam would no doubt be a truly fulfilling experience.
• Odissi - It is the classical dance form of Orissa. Features of Odissi include upper torso fluidity, firm footwork, and graceful wristwork and gestures. The Tribhangi (three part division of body into head, torso, and bust), and Chauka (a squarelike masculine stance symbolizing Lord Jagganath of Puri) are important poses. Though Odissi does incorporate many mythologies and emotions, the central aspect of the abhinaya is the everlasting union of Krishna and Radha. The sensuous movements or lasya lend an element of uniqueness. The pakhawaj, manjira, tanpura, bansuri, and sitar are musical instruments used as musical accompaniments. Odissi has an appealing distinctively lyrical quality that adds to its impressiveness.
• Bollywood Dance - This is a remarkable blend of the old and the new, and an integral part of Indian films. These energy-packed dances mix traditional Indian classical with hip hop, Bhangra, modern, folk, jazz, and so on, and can be considered equivalent to Westernized Musical Theater. Besides a lot of fun steps, costume is important in Bollywood dances and contributes to the feel.
Locating a Good Instructor
If you plan to enroll your child in Indian dance classes, make sure you find a good instructor. Here's how you can go about it:
• Do an web search
• Browse online directories
• Compare reviews posted about different teachers
• Check opinions out on cultural forums
• Ask the opinion of friends who are knowledgeable about the scenario
Encourage Talent
Indian dance classes for children help them develop their latent talents. If you child has it in her, she could even become a professional choreographer, instructor or entertainer by attending these sessions.
Students of Indian dance learn to move in harmony with the music using the right steps and facial expressions. They develop a basic comprehension of music and rhythm. As the child develops these skills and learns the finer nuances of dance, the entire family shares in the sense of achievement.
Training for Various Categories
Students who plan to enter competitions can make a good start by attending these Indian dance classes. Some of the categories for which training is available are Kathak, Bharatanatyam, Odissi, and Bollywood dance.
• Kathak - A Kathak performance involves detailed choreography. This is achieved with hand gestures (mudras), facial expressions, body positions, and footwork. "Katha" is the Sanskrit word for "tale" or "story." Kathak gets its crucial qualities from grace, sophisticated gestures, emotion, and precise and quick rhythms. The 16th century Mughal emperors set off significant modifications in this art form, guiding it from the status of a sacred performance to a status of a dance of the courts. It is now a full-fledged classical art.
• Bharatanatyam - Bharatanatyam had its beginnings 5000 years ago in Tamil Nadu in South India. The art form got passed down from one generation to another by way of the Devadasi system. Under this system, young girls eight years of age were dedicated to serve as the musicians and dancers of the deity in a temple. Bharata Natyam is characterized by linear geometric patterns, eloquence of expression, detailed mathematical rhythms, precision of footwork, and ideal body balance. It has undergone changes with the progress of time, but still maintains its nature and pristine beauty. Enrolling in Indian dance classes for Bharatanatyam would no doubt be a truly fulfilling experience.
• Odissi - It is the classical dance form of Orissa. Features of Odissi include upper torso fluidity, firm footwork, and graceful wristwork and gestures. The Tribhangi (three part division of body into head, torso, and bust), and Chauka (a squarelike masculine stance symbolizing Lord Jagganath of Puri) are important poses. Though Odissi does incorporate many mythologies and emotions, the central aspect of the abhinaya is the everlasting union of Krishna and Radha. The sensuous movements or lasya lend an element of uniqueness. The pakhawaj, manjira, tanpura, bansuri, and sitar are musical instruments used as musical accompaniments. Odissi has an appealing distinctively lyrical quality that adds to its impressiveness.
• Bollywood Dance - This is a remarkable blend of the old and the new, and an integral part of Indian films. These energy-packed dances mix traditional Indian classical with hip hop, Bhangra, modern, folk, jazz, and so on, and can be considered equivalent to Westernized Musical Theater. Besides a lot of fun steps, costume is important in Bollywood dances and contributes to the feel.
Locating a Good Instructor
If you plan to enroll your child in Indian dance classes, make sure you find a good instructor. Here's how you can go about it:
• Do an web search
• Browse online directories
• Compare reviews posted about different teachers
• Check opinions out on cultural forums
• Ask the opinion of friends who are knowledgeable about the scenario
Encourage Talent
Indian dance classes for children help them develop their latent talents. If you child has it in her, she could even become a professional choreographer, instructor or entertainer by attending these sessions.