"What the world needs now is....________ sweet _________."
OK, So maybe you are not old enough to recognize that song so let me fill in the blanks for you.
L-O-V-E.... LOVE. (but you already knew that didn't you?)
Who could argue that 'love is a many spendered thing' (I promise I will run out of song lyrics soon). And there is only one thing that is almost as enjoyable as being in love. That is THINKING about being in love! (sigh)
That is where I have come up with a plan to enrich my life, make me more fun to be around, and increase my hapiness level a notch or two. I've decided to "accentuate the positve, eliminate the negative" (sorry, more old song lyrics)
Let's face it, life is hard enough with all the ______ (fill in your own blank here).
That is why a regular dose of the "L" word can boost your attitude, and maybe your metabolism, too. (But that's for another article).
Let's do a test. I'll give you a simple cute funny love quote. If after you read it, you are not at least smiling, then I'll shut up and keep to myself. Ready?
Henny Youngman was certainly one of America's masters of the punchline.
Who could ever forget his "Take my wife.... PLEASE!"?
I you haven't noticed, Henny was not to be taken too seriously. So with that in mind, here's his Love quote...
"I take my wife everywhere I go. She always finds her way back."
-Henny Youngman
It's true that sometimes love needs a little space. A smothering love isn't good for anybody. But I think he may have taken it too far.
What do you think? Independent or Co-dependent?
(So, did it lift your spirits just a little? I mean, can't you see how easy it is to put a smile on your face?) And, as the old song lyrics say,
(Everybody sing!)
OK, I'll stop now.
But life is a little sweeter when you "Put a little love in your heart."
(Your honor, I rest my case)
OK, So maybe you are not old enough to recognize that song so let me fill in the blanks for you.
L-O-V-E.... LOVE. (but you already knew that didn't you?)
Who could argue that 'love is a many spendered thing' (I promise I will run out of song lyrics soon). And there is only one thing that is almost as enjoyable as being in love. That is THINKING about being in love! (sigh)
That is where I have come up with a plan to enrich my life, make me more fun to be around, and increase my hapiness level a notch or two. I've decided to "accentuate the positve, eliminate the negative" (sorry, more old song lyrics)
Let's face it, life is hard enough with all the ______ (fill in your own blank here).
That is why a regular dose of the "L" word can boost your attitude, and maybe your metabolism, too. (But that's for another article).
Let's do a test. I'll give you a simple cute funny love quote. If after you read it, you are not at least smiling, then I'll shut up and keep to myself. Ready?
Henny Youngman was certainly one of America's masters of the punchline.
Who could ever forget his "Take my wife.... PLEASE!"?
I you haven't noticed, Henny was not to be taken too seriously. So with that in mind, here's his Love quote...
"I take my wife everywhere I go. She always finds her way back."
-Henny Youngman
It's true that sometimes love needs a little space. A smothering love isn't good for anybody. But I think he may have taken it too far.
What do you think? Independent or Co-dependent?
(So, did it lift your spirits just a little? I mean, can't you see how easy it is to put a smile on your face?) And, as the old song lyrics say,
(Everybody sing!)
OK, I'll stop now.
But life is a little sweeter when you "Put a little love in your heart."
(Your honor, I rest my case)