- When you listen actively, you pay attention to what the speaker says. This ensures you get all relevant information in its entirety and it is easier to understand the topic thoroughly. Based on this understanding, you can also ask questions to clarify something you didn't follow. When the speaker provides you the answer, you have all necessary information about the topic of discussion. Whether it is the instructions of a supervisor at work or a teacher at school, the act of comprehending information is the critical first step in executing a task.
- Listening is an important part of the communication process. When you listen to what a person says, it prevents you from drawing assumptions or misunderstanding the speaker and allows you to be fairer in your response to what he says. A person who listens attentively and occasionally interjects an "I see" or "that's true" makes the speaker feel heard. This gives the speaker a sense of satisfaction in communicating with you and predisposes him to feel close to you.
- A person with strong listening skills listens to not just the words of the speaker, but also her nonverbal messages. Often, when the speaker is under stress, her body language may indicate the exact opposite of what she says. If you manage to comprehend this, you can respond in an appropriate manner. When you listen carefully, you may sometimes realize the speaker is just letting off steam, and choose not to respond with your suggestions. In such cases, your silent listening is the exact thing the speaker requires. Especially in close relationships such as with a spouse or children, the ability to listen actively is the key to building stronger bonds.
- Good listeners avoid interrupting others as they speak. They give their undivided attention during group discussions. They patiently wait for the speaker to finish before asking questions lest they interrupt his train of thought. They don't divert the attention of other group members by cracking a joke or starting a discussion on the sidelines. These actions of a good listener are especially useful when working as a team because it helps the team focus on the work at hand without wasting time in unnecessary conflicts.
Promotes Understanding
Fosters Closeness
Improves Relationships
Better Teamwork