At Resolution Coaching we believe that Social Media is an incredibly hot topic at the moment and many small businesses are keen to jump on the bandwagon.
But it's relatively new.
So there is a danger that many small business owners could be adopting this strategy without really knowing what they are doing.
They could think that it's the 'magic bullet' that could miraculously rescue their ailing marketing campaigns, or think that it requires very little effort in order to succeed at it.
This is a mistake So before you leap in feet first here are my 10 Top Tips: 1.
Before you do anything with Social Media, recognise that unless you have the resources available to outsource the whole thing, it will require effort, commitment and consistency on your part.
It doesn't happen on its own.
However, if you are organised, have a plan and are prepared to schedule your time sensibly, there is no reason why it cannot replace at least one networking event per week in terms of time spent.
Write compelling, well optimised blog posts that get people talking.
Invite discussion and be relevant.
This will help drive people to your website to find out more about you and your service.
There's nothing more powerful than an endorsement of your work in the form of a Video testimonial from happy clients or customers, who are happy to share their experiences of working with you.
The videos only need to be a couple of minutes long.
These can be quickly uploaded onto You Tube and embedded into your website.
Join Groups on Linked In and start showing up, connecting, sharing or posting useful advice.
Word of caution - you need to be in the right 'fish tank' of course - so go where your customers/clients are more likely to be swimming! 5.
Optimise your articles and blogs with your keywords, so these are searchable on Google.
Then ensure they are 'pinged', i.
circulated onto social bookmarking sites like Digg, and Technorati, and other profiles where you have a presence, i.
Facebook and Twitter and Linked In.
Turn them into articles to post here on EzineArticles for instance! 6.
Encourage people you meet at networking/trainings/seminars to link up with you online as well.
Build the relationship.
Remember - don't spam them with your stuff when you've only just met - that's the kiss of death! So give it time.
Remember, these days people would rather connect to a real person and not a Faceless Corporate Entity.
So being personable, genuine and transparent helps to gain other people's trust, and is the essential ingredient to building your credibility and likability.
One way to do this is to reveal something about you that others might find interesting.
For instance, do you Skydive in your spare time, or are keen on Ball Room Dancing or hate Marmite? Why not let people know about it? 8.
Demonstrate your expertise by making it easy for potential clients to gain access to some of your useful resources and material.
It might sound counter-intuitive, but the more you share - the more your name gets out there! 9.
Go for quality rather than quantity - i.
you don't need to be hooked up to the whole world and be on a mission to get thousands of followers on Twitter.
Develop relevant connections and find friendly advocates who can talk about you to other people - then build from there.
Utilise Social Plugins/Widgets/Buttons (e.
the Facebook Like Button) and place these on your blog or Website.
This leverages Social Proof (e.
people look around to see what everyone else is doing before they make their choice).
Rather than listening to marketing messages alone, consumers rely on that old favourite - the opinions of other people before making a choice.
But it's relatively new.
So there is a danger that many small business owners could be adopting this strategy without really knowing what they are doing.
They could think that it's the 'magic bullet' that could miraculously rescue their ailing marketing campaigns, or think that it requires very little effort in order to succeed at it.
This is a mistake So before you leap in feet first here are my 10 Top Tips: 1.
Before you do anything with Social Media, recognise that unless you have the resources available to outsource the whole thing, it will require effort, commitment and consistency on your part.
It doesn't happen on its own.
However, if you are organised, have a plan and are prepared to schedule your time sensibly, there is no reason why it cannot replace at least one networking event per week in terms of time spent.
Write compelling, well optimised blog posts that get people talking.
Invite discussion and be relevant.
This will help drive people to your website to find out more about you and your service.
There's nothing more powerful than an endorsement of your work in the form of a Video testimonial from happy clients or customers, who are happy to share their experiences of working with you.
The videos only need to be a couple of minutes long.
These can be quickly uploaded onto You Tube and embedded into your website.
Join Groups on Linked In and start showing up, connecting, sharing or posting useful advice.
Word of caution - you need to be in the right 'fish tank' of course - so go where your customers/clients are more likely to be swimming! 5.
Optimise your articles and blogs with your keywords, so these are searchable on Google.
Then ensure they are 'pinged', i.
circulated onto social bookmarking sites like Digg, and Technorati, and other profiles where you have a presence, i.
Facebook and Twitter and Linked In.
Turn them into articles to post here on EzineArticles for instance! 6.
Encourage people you meet at networking/trainings/seminars to link up with you online as well.
Build the relationship.
Remember - don't spam them with your stuff when you've only just met - that's the kiss of death! So give it time.
Remember, these days people would rather connect to a real person and not a Faceless Corporate Entity.
So being personable, genuine and transparent helps to gain other people's trust, and is the essential ingredient to building your credibility and likability.
One way to do this is to reveal something about you that others might find interesting.
For instance, do you Skydive in your spare time, or are keen on Ball Room Dancing or hate Marmite? Why not let people know about it? 8.
Demonstrate your expertise by making it easy for potential clients to gain access to some of your useful resources and material.
It might sound counter-intuitive, but the more you share - the more your name gets out there! 9.
Go for quality rather than quantity - i.
you don't need to be hooked up to the whole world and be on a mission to get thousands of followers on Twitter.
Develop relevant connections and find friendly advocates who can talk about you to other people - then build from there.
Utilise Social Plugins/Widgets/Buttons (e.
the Facebook Like Button) and place these on your blog or Website.
This leverages Social Proof (e.
people look around to see what everyone else is doing before they make their choice).
Rather than listening to marketing messages alone, consumers rely on that old favourite - the opinions of other people before making a choice.