- 1). Select the Safari application on your iPhone. Once you select this application, you will be able to access the Internet from your iPhone.
- 2). Tap inside the address bar of your Safari application. Once you click on the address bar, the keyboard will appear at the bottom of the screen and you can type text into it.
- 3). Type the phone number that you want to dial without dashes into the address bar. For example, you would type 8025551212 for the phone number portion of the browser address. Then after the phone number type ".tel.qlnk.net" and hit "Go."
- 4). Click on "Cancel" on the item that comes up on your screen. You should see a pop-up box on your screen that shows the phone number that you entered with the choice to "Cancel" or "Call."
- 5). Choose the icon in the bottom middle of your Safari browser that looks like a rectangle with an arrow going through it to the right. A menu will appear and then choose "Add to Home Screen." After you click on this option, a screen will appear that will allow you to name the icon on the Home screen. Once you name the item, you will see the icon appear on your Home screen. When you click on that icon, the pop-up will appear asking you if you want to "Call" or "Cancel." To dial, simply select "Call."