I remember hearing the stories from family members about the great depression. First of all, why did they call it the great depression? It seems to me something that was a challenging time would not have great in front of it.Most people during the depression had a hard time getting by.
There were a few people that did well, some even prospered.If you had money saved for a rainy day, you could pick up bargains.The reason this happened for a few are the same as today.. Most people spend more then they earn, around 97% and live off there credit cards.
People that lived through the depression had a depression mentality. They only spent what they had, because they did not believe in credit or banks. Many banks failed during that time as people were afraid and ran to the banks to take out all there money. Many put there money under the mattress.
We live in interesting times, the way thing look its going to get worse before things get better. I believe we have to stop giving our power away to others. I do not know the answer,however I have a safety net just in case this last longer then the past recessions.
I have several ways that I teach to create extra income from home so if your regular job goes away, your still making money to pay your bills.The safety net is from the tight rope walker at the circus, if they fall the safety net catches them before they hit the ground. Because people live above there income, having a safety net is a smart idea. Do you know anyone who has lost there job or might be losing there jobs soon, get a safety net. How long can you live today if you lost your job, a week, a month, six months.
Between car payments and house payments and credit cards having an additional income stream is a smart idea. One of the ways I did that was to write books. By working once and taking the time to write, I get paid forever or at least until someone still wants to hear what I have to say.
My goal with my first book was to make a difference in the prison system and juvenile detention centers, I'm a former "tough guy" with some big anger issues.By getting in touch with anger and some of the other deep life lessons life became much easier.Opportunity is still out there, even in bad times. Famous Amos, the chocolate chip cookie guy said, " When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.Sometimes that's easier said they done, right.You have to learn how to think out side the box.
Remember that 97% of people are told to study hard, get a good job with a good company and they will be set for life. That was true in the fifties and sixties, guys its the twenty first century, the companies changed the rules and forgot to tell anyone. They invented down sizing and right sizing and getting laid off. Learn to think outside the box, learn to prosper in bad times. When everyone else is looking for a good job, you be making a life, not a living.
There were a few people that did well, some even prospered.If you had money saved for a rainy day, you could pick up bargains.The reason this happened for a few are the same as today.. Most people spend more then they earn, around 97% and live off there credit cards.
People that lived through the depression had a depression mentality. They only spent what they had, because they did not believe in credit or banks. Many banks failed during that time as people were afraid and ran to the banks to take out all there money. Many put there money under the mattress.
We live in interesting times, the way thing look its going to get worse before things get better. I believe we have to stop giving our power away to others. I do not know the answer,however I have a safety net just in case this last longer then the past recessions.
I have several ways that I teach to create extra income from home so if your regular job goes away, your still making money to pay your bills.The safety net is from the tight rope walker at the circus, if they fall the safety net catches them before they hit the ground. Because people live above there income, having a safety net is a smart idea. Do you know anyone who has lost there job or might be losing there jobs soon, get a safety net. How long can you live today if you lost your job, a week, a month, six months.
Between car payments and house payments and credit cards having an additional income stream is a smart idea. One of the ways I did that was to write books. By working once and taking the time to write, I get paid forever or at least until someone still wants to hear what I have to say.
My goal with my first book was to make a difference in the prison system and juvenile detention centers, I'm a former "tough guy" with some big anger issues.By getting in touch with anger and some of the other deep life lessons life became much easier.Opportunity is still out there, even in bad times. Famous Amos, the chocolate chip cookie guy said, " When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.Sometimes that's easier said they done, right.You have to learn how to think out side the box.
Remember that 97% of people are told to study hard, get a good job with a good company and they will be set for life. That was true in the fifties and sixties, guys its the twenty first century, the companies changed the rules and forgot to tell anyone. They invented down sizing and right sizing and getting laid off. Learn to think outside the box, learn to prosper in bad times. When everyone else is looking for a good job, you be making a life, not a living.