- 1). Instruct your child or tennis student how to hold the racquet to prepare for a topspin stroke. The racquet starting position should be beneath the line of the tennis ball as it approaches.
- 2). Check the angle of the racquet face in your student's hand. Topspin shots should be executed with a "closed" racquet position. This means the racquet face should be flat and facing the ground as your student prepares to swing at the ball.
- 3). Examine the position of your student's palm before they swing the racquet back to execute a topspin shot. The racquet handle should be gripped firmly, with the palm of the hand facing towards the ground.
- 4). Teach your student to swing from a low body position to a higher one as the ball is struck. The body should straighten up and grow taller as power is transformed from the back foot to the front foot.
- 5). Check the follow through position of the racquet head as your student strikes the ball. An efficient topspin shot should leave the racquet head positioned over the opposite shoulder to the hand holding the racquet.