If your banging your head against the wall trying to figure out how to get your ex back when he/she says it's over, then stop. Banging your head against the wall will only give you a headache. It won't get the love of your life back, unless they feel sorry for you when you end up in the hospital from a concussion.
There are proven steps to get your ex back without causing your body any harm. Start from the beginning when he/she says it's over. When he/she says it's over, agree with them. If you can still be friends that would make getting your ex back a lot easier.
Don't smother them by calling them constantly or sending them text messages every 5 minutes. If you do that they won't have time to miss you and wonder what you are up to. You do want them to miss you so they will want you back.
Don't be spiteful and cruel. No need to give them dirty looks or say anything you will regret later. Be nice and friendly when you see them, act as if you are doing perfectly fine without them. Showing them that you can move on without them will cause them to rethink whether or not they really want to lose you.
If you really want to know how to get your ex back when he/she says it's over, then drop the desperation act and start thinking logically so you can determine the best way to get your ex back and get them to change their minds about it being over. Showing your independence and your ability to be happy without them may turn the tables on them and have them trying to figure out how to get you back.
There are proven steps to get your ex back without causing your body any harm. Start from the beginning when he/she says it's over. When he/she says it's over, agree with them. If you can still be friends that would make getting your ex back a lot easier.
Don't smother them by calling them constantly or sending them text messages every 5 minutes. If you do that they won't have time to miss you and wonder what you are up to. You do want them to miss you so they will want you back.
Don't be spiteful and cruel. No need to give them dirty looks or say anything you will regret later. Be nice and friendly when you see them, act as if you are doing perfectly fine without them. Showing them that you can move on without them will cause them to rethink whether or not they really want to lose you.
If you really want to know how to get your ex back when he/she says it's over, then drop the desperation act and start thinking logically so you can determine the best way to get your ex back and get them to change their minds about it being over. Showing your independence and your ability to be happy without them may turn the tables on them and have them trying to figure out how to get you back.