- A flower girl basket is an important wedding accessory.Flower Girl and Basket of Flowers image by TMLP from Fotolia.com
Many wedding accessories are steeped in history, yet they are still used by modern brides and grooms. These objects are not necessary to a wedding except for traditional or sentimental value, but if you want to include some or all of them, it's important to know your options and to plans for their places in the ceremony or reception. - If you choose to wear a veil, remember to try it on with your bridal gown before you buy it. Some places even throw in a free veil with the gown. You could also make your own veil to save a few dollars. Instructions are provided in the Resources section.
- The guest book can serve not only as a record of your wedding guests, it can give them the chance to write their own greetings to the newlyweds. It doesn't necessarily have to be in book form. Try making or professionally printing a framed "certificate" with the names of you and your new spouse along with the date and place of the wedding. The guests can then autograph it. You could also have them sign a platter or even a metal picture frame mat. You do need to have special pens for these, however. If they don't already come with them, make sure you have the correct tools for the job.
- It can be a lot easier for little hands to carry her pretty petals in a basket. The basket should coordinate with the style and colors of the wedding as well as the flower girl's dress. Satin-covered purse-like carriers can be beautiful, but less expensive alternatives include natural woven baskets or metal buckets, both available at craft stores.
- Like the flower basket, a ring pillow can be easier for a child to carry when bringing the rings to the bride and groom. Make sure it also matches the rest of the wedding accessories and be sure to show the ring bearer how to properly carry it.
- Unity candles represent the bride and groom becoming one in marriage. It consists of two tapers and a larger candle in between them. Traditionally, the couple's respective mothers each light a taper at the beginning of the ceremony and at the end, the bride and groom light the center candle together. Decide which version of the ceremony you think is the most appropriate for you both: one custom involves the bride and groom extinguishing each other's taper after lighting the center one to symbolize their complete unity. You could also leave the tapers burning to symbolize your new status as both a couple and as individuals. If one or both of you have children, you could let them be part of the ceremony, too. Once you've straightened out the ceremony, decide where it will take place. If the wedding will be outdoors, make sure there are extra lighters or matches in case the wind blows out the candles. A hurricane lamp can be an effective way to protect them from the wind. Place the candles away from ribbon, lace or other possibly flammable decorations.
- Memorial candles can be lit at the beginning of the ceremony to remember loved ones who have passed away and therefore can't witness the wedding. You may want to display framed pictures of them next to their candles. You can personalize each candle with the person's name, but make absolutely sure all names are spelled correctly. If you're also including pictures, remember to check that the right candle goes with the right person.
- A card box is where guests can drop off their cards and monetary gifts. It lets guests be discreet and about giving money to the bride and groom and it also keeps the valuable envelopes from being misplaced. Place it on a table near the entrance of the reception venue. It can be anything from a fancy jar to a decorated box with a slit on the lid. They are simple to make which can cut down on costs. See Resources for instructions.
- A cake topper can be a fun finishing touch to a wedding cake. If you're making your own or having it custom designed, be sure that it's not too big or too heavy that it could throw the cake off balance.
- A cake server may be provided by the caterer or reception venue, but remember to ask first so you aren't stuck when it's time to cut the cake. If you're supplying your own keepsake server, purchase or order it early enough to allow plenty of time for any engraving.
- The custom of the garter toss has evolved over the ages and it has several variations, but they all depend on the garter itself. A garter can be made with bits of elastic and lace if you're frugal. Make or purchase two garters if you'd like one to throw and one to keep.
- If you really want to get traditional, remember to have all of the following: "Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue and a penny in her shoe."
Guest Book
Flower Basket
Ring Pillow
Unity Candles
Memorial Candles
Card Box
Cake Topper
Cake Server
Sentimental Accessories