Health & Medical Nutrition

Nutrition - The Missing Link to Your Success

Remember guys, it is about working smarter not harder! You cannot have one with out the other.
It takes hard work at the gym and eating the right type of foods at the right times.
It is time to stop playing around and put the focus where it needs to be.
We all want to see the pay off of our work at the gym.
But, you will never reap the benefits of all that work if you are eating junk food everyday.
Your body will simply be covered by unnecessary layers of fat.
Nutrition is 80%-90% of a sound health plan.
For many of us, especially women, this will mean a total radical change in our relationship with food.
Like the alcoholic with their dependence on alcohol, the drug addict with their drug of choice, the codependent couple, the gambler with the casino; the food addict with the food.
Now, I am not just talking about compulsive over eaters.
I am talking about the full spectrum of food addictions.
This involves using food as a comfort to you.
I am convinced that women can turn around their relationship with food.
I believe that old unhealthy associations can be diminished and new healthy habits can be developed with the right guidance and education.
But, you have to really want to change these habits.
You have to be sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Are you ready to say enough is enough? Will that cheeseburger on a Friday afternoon really make you less stressed? Why must you punish yourself by giving your body things it does not need? That cheeseburger or brownie will not make anything better in your life.
It is just food.
You are the one with the answers.
They are inside of you.
I am talking about the will and determination you have to take yourself from where you are now to where you want to be.
Make a promise to yourself that you want more out of this life.
You will not settle for less than that.
You have goals and dreams to make into a reality.
Sure, you will slip up now and then.
Surround yourself with people who support and love you and lean on them when you are down.
This support team should be able to pick you up and put you back on track when you fall.
Now, it is time to educate yourself as to what "Healthy" means.
Is "Healthy" and Egg McMuffin and a Diet Coke? No, healthy is planning your meals ahead of time.
Preparation is the key to success.
Have a cooler that you carry around.
Put everything you need that day in that cooler.
Today in my cooler I have these items: a grilled chicken breast with 1/2 can of mushroom soup(for lunch), a thermos of my homemade lemonade(made with xylitol to sweeten), 1 banana muffin(gluten and wheat free), and powder for a vanilla protein shake in my portable shake container.
I am setting myself up for success.
I will also be less likely to eat chocolate after lunch today because I know that I have my muffin in my cooler for backup.
Now I am not saying I do not indulge; I do.
But, I try to stay focussed on eating 80% clean and 20%.
If I have a slip up; I move on and do not dwell on my mistakes.
I implore you; if you want a sleek and toned body do not neglect to consider nutrition as a major component of your plan.
Please educate yourself on the topic of proper nutrition.
You can hire a lifestyle consultant to help mentor you as to what direction to need to take to achieve your goals in less time.
They will not be your best friend or your spouse.
They will be blunt and tell you what you must do and stop doing to achieve your goals.
Or you can purchase programs that are already written to help you achieve the body of your dreams.
Remember to never give up on your goals.
Do not let anyone tell you that you are not worthy or do not deserve to live the life of your dreams.
Keep dreaming, have faith, and persevere..
"Steel has carbon to thank for its strength; perseverance is the key to achieving your dreams.
" - Napoleon Hill
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