You have to kind of walk a slippery slope when you are trying to attract back your ex-girlfriend. There is a good chance that you can end up saying or doing the wrong thing, and then, ending up with no chance at all of reconciling with her. Most relationships can be repaired and reconciled, as long as there is not so much drama that both people get tired and just want to move on rather than deal with things.
Before you get all head strong and go out and try to attract back your girlfriend, you need to know what to avoid. Otherwise, you will end up being one of the guys that sits back and remembers the women he loved that got away from him.
Here are 3 things that you NEED to avoid if you want her back:
1. Jealousy.
Jealousy is something that can poison even a good relationship, but when you are already on the outs and she sees that you are getting jealous, it can be the final straw that ends things for good. You have to accept the fact that there are other guys out there, and if you have broken up with her, she might be talking to someone. That does not mean that you are not going to be able to attract her back, but it does mean that you have to make sure that you do not allow jealous and anger get in the way of winning her back.
2. Anger.
Feeling like you have been dumped for no reason can easily make a guy feel a little angry. Or, you might be feeling angry at yourself for not recognizing all of the signs of a breakup. Whatever it is that makes you feel angry, you need to be able to "hide" that feeling when you are around your ex girlfriend or are talking to her. You can end up letting anger get the best of you and say something that will make her hate you if you are not careful.
3. Complacency.
Some guys will say that they want to win back their girlfriend, and yet, they do nothing at all to strive to make it happen. Just having the desire to attract her back is not going to be enough, you have to take some kind of action to win back your girlfriend. If you are too complacent about things, you can end up giving off the impression that you do not really care about getting her back. You have to have a balance.
Before you get all head strong and go out and try to attract back your girlfriend, you need to know what to avoid. Otherwise, you will end up being one of the guys that sits back and remembers the women he loved that got away from him.
Here are 3 things that you NEED to avoid if you want her back:
1. Jealousy.
Jealousy is something that can poison even a good relationship, but when you are already on the outs and she sees that you are getting jealous, it can be the final straw that ends things for good. You have to accept the fact that there are other guys out there, and if you have broken up with her, she might be talking to someone. That does not mean that you are not going to be able to attract her back, but it does mean that you have to make sure that you do not allow jealous and anger get in the way of winning her back.
2. Anger.
Feeling like you have been dumped for no reason can easily make a guy feel a little angry. Or, you might be feeling angry at yourself for not recognizing all of the signs of a breakup. Whatever it is that makes you feel angry, you need to be able to "hide" that feeling when you are around your ex girlfriend or are talking to her. You can end up letting anger get the best of you and say something that will make her hate you if you are not careful.
3. Complacency.
Some guys will say that they want to win back their girlfriend, and yet, they do nothing at all to strive to make it happen. Just having the desire to attract her back is not going to be enough, you have to take some kind of action to win back your girlfriend. If you are too complacent about things, you can end up giving off the impression that you do not really care about getting her back. You have to have a balance.