- 1). Buy a large plastic skeleton and take it apart. Hide the bones. The team with the most assembled skeleton by the end of the party wins.
- 2). Hide Halloween candy in the party area to see who finds the most during the party for a special prize.
- 3). Hide paper cut-outs of Halloween figures, such as black cats or pumpkins. Add a letter or word on each cut-out for the party goers to unscramble a scary message.
- 4). Stage a pumpkin carving contest. Have the pumpkins gutted and ready to carve ahead of time.
- 5). Hold a dance contest with Halloween music like "Monster Mash" and "The Witch Doctor." KidzBop.com makes a great Halloween CD but other music CDs are available where Halloween supplies are sold.
- 6). Paint a large spiderweb on butcher paper or a white sheet. Give contestants small plastic or paper spiders for a game of "Pin the Spider on the Web."
- 7). Play Halloween Twister. Take a large white sheet and add at least five rows of images with five or more images in each row. Each row should consist of only one repeated image. Make a matching spinnerdivided into four sections labeled with left and right hands, left and right foot and one of each image in each section.
- 8). Stage a Mummy Wrap Race where two partners have two minutes for one to wrap the other in toilet paper to make the most finished mummy
Halloween Fun and Games