- Fresh berries are not readily available outside Brazil unless they are grown at home. The berries have a high fat content and go rancid within 24 hours of picking, making transportation from the rain forest unrealistic. The alternatives are frozen berry pulp and freeze-dried powder, both of which can be purchased at health stores.
- An acai palm can grow up to 20 meters high given a rich, moisture-retentive soil, high humidity and six to eight hours of filtered sunlight a day. The tree can tolerate temperatures as low as 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Specialist nurseries will supply healthy palms with a well-established root system for about $30.
- The acai berry contains high levels of antioxidants---up to 30 times the anthocyanin content of red wine. It is rich in omega fatty acids, protein, vitamins and minerals, plant sterols and fiber. Acai increases stamina, provides support for the immune system, can be used as an anti-inflammatory and helps in weight loss.
Buying the Berries
Growing Acai Trees