- 1). Back your tractor into position for attaching the hay rake implement to the three-point hitch. Shut the power down, putting the transmission in park and setting the parking break. Confirm that the three-point controls are in low position and that the power take-off is disengaged.
- 2). Connect the attachment's three-point linkage to the tractor's three-point hitch. Connect hydraulic hoses, as well. Lock the rake into its fixed position when moving the rake to the hay field. Lock it into the floating position while spreading the hay.
- 3). Secure your working orientation by turning the main frame to the left. You may have to unlock and relock the sector support to accomplish this. Turn the moving arms to the left as well. Provide the appropriate width between the wheels and a centrifugal effect upon the hay.
- 4). Start the tractor and raise the rake to its highest position. Move the tractor and attachment toward the field of operation. Err on the side of slowness, especially when negotiating turns. Maintain a low gear when transporting or operating on steep inclines.
- 5). Survey the area that you will be working in. A drawback of the power rake is the tendency to become ensnared by foreign debris. Remove any observable objects before proceeding with the spreading of hay.
- 6). Lower the implement using your three-point hitch and hydraulic remote controls. Engage the power take-off and proceed at a slow tempo until you get a feel for how the rake operates in tandem with your tractor.