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Kaydee’s Sassy Soap Corner - A Weekly Commentary for OLTL for November 16, 2010

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Teen Beat—Part Three: New Beginnings

Langston and Ford again? I’m leaning toward them. Maybe all of the tragedy and big messes they’ve gotten themselves into has jolted a maturity spark and they can give a real relationship a good start. Of course, I’m praying that Jessica’s baby will have no connection to Ford whatsoever, for both their sakes.

Natalie, Jessica, John and Brody are all entangled in a deceptive web, only two of those people have no clue that they’re even involved.

I most certainly do not approve of Natalie’s entire approach to her indiscretion. Jessica has manned up to her secret, and as a result, she and Brody have a real shot at making things work. Brody and Natalie do not get the right to play the holier-than-thou crusaders against the world while the skeletons in their own closets are rattling so loudly. I still would like to see John and Natalie remain together, but I want Natalie to sweat a whole lot more for the prize. With that being said, Marty going all out of her way to make a scene at a reception she wasn’t invited to is just plain tacky. Is there anyone out there still wondering why this town is in such maniacal disarray? Well, what I’ve written so far is just a couple of examples. Let’s explore a few more shall we?

Loonview Law & Order: Adult Teens

If anyone hears the theme songs of Sesame Street, Dora the Explorer, Go, Diego Go, or any other such infantile show’s theme, you’re not going crazy, you’re in the right place. This week has put the adults in diapers and the children in the parents’ seats.

Let’s begin with the Rex Balsam baby mama drama. I’m surprised that Viki, who doesn’t have the excuse of being one of her alters, has behaved almost as badly as Marty Saybrooke. Her disdain for Echo DiSavoy is no secret, but she, too, has come across as a spurned lover who hates having lost to the other woman. Again, the catch twenty-two here is that without Viki’s persistent stalking of Echo, Rex wouldn’t be any closer to uncovering the falsehoods of his identity and her admission of being his mother would not have happened. But it disturbed me that despite her husband’s blatant disapproval of Viki’s quest for DiSavoy knowledge, Viki is like a dog with a bone and she won’t let go. While I was thrilled that Rex finally got a big break in the mystery of his identity, I’m not at all happy with yet another erosion of a classy character’s integrity in the process. Viki was almost arrogant in her demands of Echo to divulge information, and how tacky was it for her to put the pressure on Echo about such a sensitive subject in a crowded public room? Viki has some valid points of interest in this matter, after all either her children’s father or her current husband is Rex’s father, but this was certainly no way to go about it.

And then there’s…CLINT!

UGH!! Just when I thought I couldn’t dislike this invader any further, yet another demon horn rears its ugly head from Clint’s ugly personality. I don’t know about any of you, but the conversation he and Echo had on the roof was appalling and infuriating. To know that Clint abandoned Rex from jumpstreet has completely knocked him off the last peg of humanity in my eyes. There is actually no ounce of humanity or decency left in the Clint character, and I doubt that there is anything he could do at this point to redeem himself. He went so far as to threaten Rex’s freedom to Echo and sever any chances of her and Rex bonding if she told what she knew, and bravo, Ms. DiSavoy, you didn’t slink away into a corner and submit to his cowardly blackmail. As Asa would have said, you are one feisty filly, little lady!

Passing thoughts

Writers, please abandon any idea of pairing up Gigi and Cris, or Rex and Kelly. Rex and Gigi have been through enough hell finding their way back to each other, and nothing less than keeping them a couple will do. Kelly needs to find a whole new man and get a fresh start in life without piggy-backing off of her family’s leftovers, or her recycled past flames. Let Nora light a fire under Commission-Not Buchanan’s male rear about Inez already, and put this nauseating, middle-aged crisis flirting come to an end.

Consolation Bonuses & Comic Relief

Danielle’s singing this week was one of the most beautiful sounds I have ever heard since first hearing Flash, Blair, and Marcie sing. I personally have been a die-hard fan of Blair’s voice, but I must admit that Blair’s got some competition. The writers owed us..and this was a great start. And the comic relief award goes to Destiny’s boyfriend, for his outstanding portrayal of a jealous boyfriend who wanted to excise Matthew for daring to move in on Destiny. I was tickled pink!

Reader Response

Hi, Jerilyn! I heard you loud and clear, and it’s nice to know someone else agrees with me on wishing that the Buchanan sisters’ unborn babies are found to be the children of the men in their mothers’ lives. Enough with the child-bashing already!

Wrapping It Up

The medical file-swapping, the DNA switching, the erosion of classy characters, and the front-page hormone stories have got to stop. We obviously love this show; otherwise we wouldn’t be here every week ranting about these things. But, ask yourselves one you want viewers glued to their television sets loving to hate because the show is that compelling, or being forced to watch the show with because it’s the lesser of two evils to choose from in that time slot? It’s one thing to be innovative and daring enough to air controversial subjects to keep our attention. It’s quite another to endure something while waiting for the first chance to jump ship when something better comes along.

Until next week, readers. God bless


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